chapter one

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Currently, Jeonghan was mixing raw pancake mixture in a clear glass bowl. His pink apron, with the strings wrapped around his small waist, matched his pink pajamas.

It was a Monday.

Jeonghan cooked on Monday.

Jeonghan only cooked on Mondays because he was the most energized on Mondays. Weirdly has that sounds.

He decided to use that energy to make breakfast, it made them feel like a family and also gave the maids a break from cooking.

Today, he oddly woke up earlier than usual. So with the extra time, he's making an extra special breakfast.


Seungcheol was fixing his tie in the mirror of their large master bedroom.

He had on his usual attire.

A black suit tailored towards his needs. White buttoned up, a red tie accompanied with it. His new black polished shoes matched his gelled back hair.

He smiled and walked down the stairs toward the kitchen.


In the kitchen, Jeonghan felt strong arms wrapped around his waist.

"Good Morning." The deep voice filled the void in the room. Jeonghan smiled and turned around, to be met face to face with his loving husband.

With a quick peck on the lips. Jeonghan turned around to continue breakfast.

Seungcheol sat down on a chair on the dining table. There, he looked through paperwork he could easily do at home.

This continued for 10 minutes until light footsteps could be heard from the stairs.

A quiet "Appa and Eomma." was heard. Both parents looked up from their work to see 6-year-old Minghao, with his Spongebob pajamas.

"Hey, Buddy. Good Morning." Seungcheol speaks out and waves over his 6-year-old kindergarten.

Minghao walks towards his father's arms while rubbing his eyes tiredly.

Seungcheol engulfed Minghao in a hug. Minghao kissed Seungcheol cheek, and Seungcheol let's go.

Minghao sat down on a dining chair, a maid brought over a sippy cup with kool-aid inside.

The parents said to wake the children up a little.

While waiting Minghao colored on a blank piece of paper.

Second awake, Hansol.

"Good Morning, Daddy, and Mommy." Vernon cheekily smiled at his father who looked up and smiled.

"Good Morning Sweetheart! Good Sleep."

With the statement, Vernon nodded before giving his father a kiss on the cheek and walking near Minghao only to end up coloring as well.

Not long after 3 children, one being DK. Joshua, and Seungkwan.

"Morning Appa!" Three voices boomed at there smiling father.

"Morning Boys. Breakfast is almost done." They kissed his cheek and walked towards Vernon and Minghao.

"Daddy!" Mingyu runs up to his father and hugs him.

"Good Morning! You want to help Mommy make breakfast?" Seungcheol looked at Mingyu's face brighten.

"Yes!" Mingyu ran to the kitchen, Seungcheol chuckled.

"Daddy." Ji Hoon walked up to the man, and Seungcheol patted the top of Jihoon pink head.

"Good Morning Jihoonie. How'd you sleep?" Seungcheol softly asked, the seven-year-old.

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