chapter two

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-Two days later-

Two days past, and it was time for the the three to leave for America.

Jeonghan and Seungcheol slowly were packing, their things, along with Dino things.

The door rang, and Hoshi ran to the door, opening it, and immediately hugged renjun.

"What are you doing here, Uncle!" Hohi said, to Kun.

"Let's wait for your parents to explain." Kun patted Hoshi head, and Hoshi ran off with Renjun behind him.

"Hyung! Good, we were about to leave." Jeonghan hugged the two.

"Kids! Come here for a second!" Jeonghan screamed up the stairs. Ten children ran down the stairs. Followed by Seungcheol holding Dino, and Renjun next to him.

"Now, kids. Me and father are leaving for business meeting for a week." Jeonghan stated and the kids nodded.

"M-Mommy and D-Daddy a-are l-leaving." Dino's bottom lip started shaking, and his eyes started watering.

Soon enough, he started crying out loud. Seungcheol rubbed his back.

"Oh no, honey. Were taking you, ok." Seungcheol whipped Dino tears.

"Your uncles, are taking care of you, for the week. So, be polite."Jeonghan strictly said, and the boys nodded.

"Bye Bye, my lovely children. We'll call you every day ok." Jeonghan waved to them, and closed the door, Seungcheol was already putting Dino in his carseat.

They drove to the airport, they made it and they quickly ran to their flight.

They boarded the plane, and they soon fell asleep, with Dino in between them.

Jeonghan wakes up, because of a announcement.

"30 Minutes before landing."

Jeonghan looked around, and remember he was on a plane, he looked to his left and saw his husband and child sleeping soundly.

He smiled, before looking at his phone, it was news about Shinhwa's new comeback. He smiled, remembering visiting Shinhwa, the other day, he did that to every idol, that was under his company.

Jeonghan decided to wake Seungcheol, since the plane was almost landing.

"Cheolie." Jeonghan shook his shoulder, and Seungcheol grunted.

He slowly opened his eyes.

"Jeonghan." Seungcheol muttered.

"The plane is almost landing." Jeonghan whispered, to not wake up Dino.

"Oh. Ok." Seungcheol was now fully awake, and they spent the rest of the flight, booking a hotel.

"The plane has now landed." The intercom said, and Jeonghan stood up, like everyone else.

He gently grabbed Dino, and he laid Dino head on his shoulder. Seungcheol grabbed the lugged, that was in the space above them.

They walked off the plane, getting the rest of their lugged, and ordering a car.

Once the car got there, they drove to the hotel.

During the drive, Dino woke up.

"Mommy." Dino whispered, and Jeonghan looked at him.

"Yes, baby." Jeonghan whispered into Dino ear.

"Are we in Awerica."" Dino took his head off of Jeonghan shoulder and looking around.

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