chapter three

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They got in a taxi, and drove to the Mark son household, has the two wanted their friends to call them. 

Seungcheol knocked on the door, Mark opened the door, smiling.

"Hi! Guys! Come in." Mark opened the door more, and Seungcheol and Jeonghan came inside.

Two children came running in, and once Dino saw them, he pulled from his mother, and ran to them.

"Hyungs!" he screamed.

"Dino." Yugyeom and BamBam screamed, they ran towards the living room, not forgetting to greet their guest, and Dino giving his parents a kiss on the cheek.

"How are the boys." Mark asked, the couple.

"Yeah, Joshua entered the 3rd grade, recently. How about Yugyeom." Jeonghan asked back.

"Yugyeom entered dance classes with BamBam." Jackson said proud, of their 6 year old son.

"Really. Well, that great. Me and Seungcheol need to start heading for the meeting. We'll see you later." Jeonghan waves at the couple before returning to their car.

They drove to the company, they were meeting in. They were in Business mode, the moment, the car started moving.

They were stern and, looked very scary, but none of their friends had ever seen them in business mode.

Except now, their old friends, Kris and Tao, would see them in Business mode for the first time.

Kris and Tao, used to be the couple friends. But, they lost touch, when they moved to America with their son, Luhan to start a career.

They entered the company, and greeted the people there, and Jeonghan would say, that the faces people made when they met him during business mode was funny.

They entered the room, and Tao and Kris were both standing, and they greeted the couple, and like Jeonghan said early, they looked scared.

"Nice, seeing you again, Tao, and Kris." Seungcheol said, in a soft voice, because he didn't want to scare them more by Jeonghan speaking.

"Let's get this meeting started." Tao said, and lead them to the meeting table.

They started the meeting.

"Me and my husband, want to send our idols, and we want to use your company, for the concert venue, and we set up a meeting to make a deal." Jeonghan spoke for the first time, and everyone in the room, except for Seungcheol, look terrified.

The rest of the meeting, was mostly everyone being uncomfortable, and accepting everything Jeonghan said, that's how, meeting with them went.

Seungcheol and Jeonghan were known to be terrifying in the business world.

The meeting ended, and a concert was set for a few months from now.

The two couples were outside of the company, and Seungcheol and Jeonghan were out of Business mode.

"I'm sorry if we scared you back in the meeting, were known to look scary, during work." Jeonghan said in a much nicer tone.

"You kind of scared everyone in that room." Tao said.

"Well, me and my husband are known to be scary in the business world." Seungcheol did say, and Kris and Tao nodded.

"We should keep in touch. I think our children would like Luhan, and because Luhan doesn't really have much friends, we're thinking maybe they can send letters back and...I don't know but I just don't want Luhan to be alone, you know?" Tao rambled, Jeonghan nodded in return.

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