chapter nine

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<The next day>

"Wake the fuck up! DK!" The loud voice woke him up, and DK groaned.

He was an Idol, and he was really busy, lately. Since, it was the summer, and people had more time to attend concerts, and watch more videos on the internet.

"Hyung! Why! It our day off!" DK covered his head with a pillow.

The hyung, he was talking about, was his manager.

"You don't remember. It's your last concert, before you're break." The manager, kept hitting him with a pillow.

"Fine, I'm up. Give me 10 minutes." DK got up from his bed, and went towards the bathroom.

He sighs, he was happy that he was finally was going to see his family.

"You ready." The manager asked, and DK nodded.

They went outside, and has always, fans were their supporting him.

He entered the car, and they drove towards the venue.

"Aren't you excited!! You finally get a break!!!" The manager tried to hyphen the sour mood, since, DK was always like this when people wake him up.  

"I mean, I am excited, to finally see my family, but all I care about is sleep!!!" DK whined puffing out his cheek, and laying his head on the glass window.

The manager chuckled, and looked at his phone, trying to book a flight by this afternoon.

They made to the venue, and DK put his face mask on, and walked out the car.

Camera were flashing in his face, has he saw Wanna one had just came through here. Fans were screaming in his face, and DK smiled, and waved.

He continued, towards the entries of the venue, he was performing at show champion. His manager lead him towards a room, with a name tag, with his name on it.

He entered and, the stylist were waiting, they gave him, the outfit, and DK quickly changed, in a different room, entered the room, and the stylist started doing their magic.

When the stylist were done, they had done, light natural makeup. He thanked them, before leaving the dressing room,

He walked towards the backstage, because he was to perform soon, and he sat down, on a spare chair.

In the k pop world, he was known by every idol, has the loner, he didn't interact with a lot other people. During these types of venues, he would stay in the corner, and wait till it was his turn to perform.

He was looking through a fan cafe, until someone came up towards him, tapped his shoulder.

DK looked up, he saw, a familiar face.

"Luhan." DK confusedly said, and the older face, lighten face.

"Seokmin!! We both became Idols!!" Luhan hugged DK, everyone seemed shocked, never seeing the idol be this happy.

Luhan, was a family friend, who lived in America, with his parents, Kri, and Tao. He had visited Korea, for family and Friend gatherings, and DK and Luhan had become the best friends.

They gradually lost touch, when they entered college.

"How has life been." Luhan sat next to DK, and they started a conversation.

"I adopted my own child, his name is Yuta, and I love him." DK smiled, lovingly.

"Oh! Really, how Dino, and your family." Luhan excitedly squealed.

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