chapter eight

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Behind the door, was a very nervous Dino. He had a hand on his suitcase, and the other on his eight year old son, Shownu.

He had adopted Shownu, from a orphanage, a year ago, when he was seven.

"Dad. You didn't tell any of them, that you were coming home, right.'' Shownu looked at his father, Shownu was tall for his age.

"How did you know." Dino said, he didn't know that his son was this smart.

"Well, you seem very nervous, and you're hand is sweaty." Shownu let go of Dino hand, and rubbed his hands against Dino leg.

Dino chuckled nervously.

After, what seem like ages, the door was opened, and Dino stiffened for a second, but them relaxed.

"Dino." A confused Jihoon looked at the man, who resembled the Dino, he knew from two years ago.

"Surprise!'' Dino said, and Jihoon brought Dino into a hug.

Missing his sweet smile.

Them, Jihoon noticed someone else presence. He look over to a boy, who was almost has tall as him.

"Oh! Hyung! This is my son, Shownu." Dino gentle snugged his son.

"Hello, My name is Shownu, I'm eight years old." Shownu respectfully bowed, and used the Korean that his Dad had taught him.

'' Hello Shownu, I'm am your father older brother, you could call me Uncle, oh and, you're other nine uncles.'' Jihoon invited them in, and they quietly walked towards the living room, were everyone was waiting for him.

"Jihoon, who was at the door.'' Joshua looks up from his son, and looks at Jihoon.

"Well, I found someone at the door. I think you'll want to see." Jihoon dragged someone towards the door.

A aged Dino came through the door, and the adults jaw dropped.

They ran up to him, and hugged him.

While the adults were having their little reunion, the kids were standing there, looking at the new kid.

The kid, was much taller than everyone else. He looked much older than them.

After a few minutes, the adults finally finish their reunion.

Jeonghan squatted down to the mystery boy.

"And who are you?" Jeonghan softly said, and the boy looked at his father.

"Introduce yourself." Dino patted the boys back.

"Hello, My name is Shownu, I'm eight years old, and my father r is this guy." Shownu bowed, before pointing at Dino.

They all gasped.

"Dino! Why didn't you tell us you adopted!" Jeonghan hit Dino shoulder.

"Sorry! I was busy!" Dino tried to hide himself.

"Yeah, Dad was very busy. He, Mom, and I barely had time to hangout." Shownu muttered, and their jaw, somehow got larger.

"Sweetly, who is your Mother." Seungcheol asked, and Dino tensed. He wanted to tell them in a few days.

"Park Minh-"Dino covered Shownu mouth before he could spill out Rocky name.

"What he means by Mom, is the caregiver, in the orphanage, I adopted him from. She liked to be called Mom by every child, and it's a habit. And we would keep visiting them, but that wasn't to often!" Dino spat out a kick answer.

They looked confused, but shrugged it off.

"So kids, Shownu will be your Hyung. Introduce yourself." Joshua told the children.

"Hello, my Yuta, I'm six."

"Hi!!!!!!!!!! I'm Hansol!!!!!!!!''

'Hello, I'm Hyungwon."

"Sup, i'm IM."

"Hello, I'm Hojung.''

"Hello!!! I'm Kihyun!!!"

"Sup!!!!!! I'm Marco.''

"Hey man!!!!!!! I am Feeldog.''

'' Hi, Hyung!!! I'm Kijung!!!!!" A cute three year old jumped up and down, on the sofa, then being scolded by Joshua.

"Nice to meet you!" Shownu waved at his new younger cousins.

"Since, your here!!! And yugyeom, BamBam, and Hansol are here, let's have a great Dinner!! Come on!!!" Jeonghan picked Kijung up and walked towards the dining room.

Everyone followed, Dino was talking to Jihoon, Hoshi, Jun, and Minghao.

Jun, was holding Wohno hand, and Minghao was holding Hyungwon hand.

IM, Marco, Minhyuk, and Kihyun was talking with each other.

Yuta and hansol were playing with each other.

Hojung and Feeldog, were also talking with each other.

Leaving the all to new Shownu alone. It didn't bother him though, he liked being alone, it gave him time to think. That was why, he was smarter than his age.

Shownu slowly walked into the dinning room, and the adults let him sit next to Dino, since he was still pretty awkward with the other kids.

"Dad." Shownu whispered towards his father. Dino looked at his son.

"When am I going to see Mom." Shownu whispered to Dino, and he smiled.

"Soon, ok. Just eat." Dino reassured hi son, and kept eating.

Everyone was talking to each other, excitedly, and Shownu was just eating his food quietly, while thinking.

Why does he not want my Uncles to know about Mom.

Wait- Do they not know, about their relationships.

Do they not now about him being gay!!

That does make sense!!

Mystery solved!!

Shownu smiled to himself, and kept eating.

He finished eating, and excused himself to the living room, were he grabbed his book. He sat on the coach, and opened his book.

Dear Diary,

Me and my Father just came back to korea. I met his brothers, or my Uncles to be more formal. They seem nice, but I did find out I do have another uncle, who is a Idol. And I have lot of new cousins. But I think they don't accept me. Well for starters, none of them have talked to me, this whole time, and I've been here for about two hours. I don't know, hopefully they do like me. Anyways, I think Dad hasn't told my Uncles, that he has a relationship. And he was gay. But I do miss Mom, ahh... I'm getting sad now, well hopefully I get to see him soon, and also I do miss london, and now I have to talk Korean, and I am not the greatest in the language.

Wish me luck,


Shownu closed the book, and set the pencil down, he really did miss his mom.

"Shownu, honey. TIme for bed." Dino screamed from the dining room. Shownu sighs, and walks towards his father.

"I'll show you to your room, for now." Dino held shownu hand, has he lead him towards a room.

"This used to be my room, when I was 4 years old. Now it yours." Dino told Shownu, and he looked around. The room was painted white, and a single bed was in the corner.

A glass desk , with a computer on it, and closet.

"Really!" Shownu put his suitcase on the side of his bed and sat on the bed.

"Glad you like it, now if you need me, I'll be in the room next to this." Dino left the room. Shownu jumped on his bed, and looked around the room.

He opened his suitcase, and grabbed a pair of pajamas, he soon fell asleep, after changing. 

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