chapter four

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Hi, sorry for not updating for like forever, but the story gets like crazy by this chapter, and i'm was like "no no. I'm not posting this." But here we are, the story line is like really weird. By one point it's going to get so weird you're going to want to leave. I'm warning you before hand.


The alarm woke Dino up, it was 6:30 in the morning.

He groaned before lifting himself up, from his bed. He was tired, like always.

[Symptoms of Depression: Tiredness]

Dino was in the 6th grade, he was 12 years old.

Life in his opinion was, boring. Everything started to get boring after, he turned seven years old.

[Symptoms of Depression: Loss of interest]

After he turned seven, his parents stopped taking him on business trips. His brothers were still the same, but when he hung out with them, it was more boring.

He felt like, he was growing farther apart from everyone around him.

[Symptoms of Depression: Social isolation]

The only thing that brought him a little joy, now a days, was his dance club.

He joined dance club, when he was in 5th grade, and he became dance captain, just like his brother Hoshi did.

He loved the Dance club, back in the 5th grade, but now entering the 6th, he lost a little interest.

[Symptoms of depression: loss of interest in pleasurable activities]

Right now, he had a dance meeting, before school started, he had a very special announcement.

He took a shower, and changed into his school uniform.

After that, he went down the stairs, and grabbed an apple, because he wasn't hungry. He wrote a note while eating the apple.

[Symptoms of Depression: Poor appetite]

'I left early for a Dance Meeting!~


He learned to make himself look happy to make others not worry, because he doesn't like seeing other people sad, because of him.

He left the house and started walking to the school, since SOPA was pretty close to his house.

He entered the school, which was opened because of club meetings.

The practice room lights were already on, and the whole club was there.

"Hello!" Dino put on his fake mask, like always.

"Hello, why did you make a meeting this early in the morning." Jeno lazily said from his position on the floor.

"Because!~ I have an announcement that I can't wait to tell you guys." Dino excitedly jumped.

"Not one of those 'Announcements' again." Mark groaned.

Everytime, that Dino ordered a meeting before school, it was mostly to tell them things he did the day before.

But, the members couldn't deny that they did like the presence of the younger.

"This is really important! After much, negotiation, and hardwork, me and the principal, got our club to perform at the Winter Olympics!" Dino was so excited, he didn't put on a fake mask this time.

"What!!" Everyone screams.

"Yeah! Since our school, is famous for our dance club, the people who run the Winter Olympics accepted the deal, and now were performing there!" Dino was running around the room.

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