chapter six

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<6 years later>

"Mom! Hurry up! We're going to be late!" Hoshi screamed while banging the door to their parents room.

"Ok. I'm ready. Kids let's go!" Jeonghan came running out the room, grabbed the car keys and ran towards the car.

The kids following behind.

"Mom! Did you take extra time blow drying your hair, again?" Jihoon smiled inched they got in the car.

"Sorry. Now let's go before we're late to Dino graduation ceremony!" Jeonghan cheered.

Dino was the last to graduate from College. Today, he was graduating. But the family was almost late.

Seungcheol smiled proudly, there last baby was finally grown up.

"Hurry! Get out of the car. We're here!" Jeonghan screamed to everyone in the car, they scooby doo'd to the auditorium.

-During Ceremony-

"Choi Chan!" The announcer announced and the Choi family clapped hard.

Dino ran up the stage, bowed before grabbing the diploma.

He ran down the stage and towards the seats.

After the ceremony was over, Dino ran over to his family.

"Hyungs!! I finally graduated!!" Dino hugged his brothers, and he jumped up and down.

The brothers chuckled. He was still the cute Dino he was. Even though he was an adult now.

"I'm so proud of you!" Jeonghan hugged Dino and he hugged back.

"Thank you!" Dino jumped excitedly, they went in the car.

"So, what are going to do with your life?" Joshua who was now running his own company ask.

"I don't know." Dino shrugged, he had a diploma for dance

He had always loved dance. Recently he got an email, the email said if he wanted to become a choreographer, and his boyfriend, approached him and said he got the same email.

Rocky, was Dino boyfriend, since the first year of high school, when Dino was discharged from the hospital, and began taking counselling sessions for his depression. Rocky had confessed his feeling for Dino, and Dino already having a crush for him accepted his feelings.

But, they had kept their relationship a secret, from his family, and their best friends.

He and Rocky had gladly accepted. But he hadn't told his parents, or his brothers.

"Well, better think of something!" Hoshi screamed.

Dino laughed. He was actually happy.

After he got out of the hospital, he had to take counselling for his depression. And also taking anti-depression pills.

His depression left his body, and now he was has happy as he could be.

"We're here!" Jeonghan screamed and the kids run out of the car. They had rented a restaurant for all of their family and friends to attend.

He went in their and all their loved ones screamed congratulations!

"Thank you!" Dino said cutely and everyone cooed.

"Let's eat!" Mingyu comes into the room with a cart full of food.

He passes through the people and slowly the cart is empty.

The lunch goes by fast, and before it could end Dino announces he has to say something to say.

"I have something to announce, one month before my graduation, I had received a email, stating that they needed a new choreographer , and they offered me a position there, and I accepted the offer. I will be leaving to London in a month." Dino finished it off, and everyone seemed shocked.

"Wow! I'm so Happy for you!" Jeonghan hugged Dino.

"Let's enjoy the time we have until leave." Joshua came up behind them.

Everyone nodded.

-1 month later....

Dino was at the airport about to leave, with Rocky, his family, and Rocky family were saying there goodbye.

"Bye, hyungs! I'll miss you!" Dino hugs his brothers.

"Bye, we'll miss you!" Jihoon said, and Dino hugged him.

"Well miss, our youngest child. Have successful career!" Seungcheol and Jeonghan both hug their baby.

"Thanks, Mom and Dad! I'll miss you to!" Dino talks with them, until Rocky s ready to go has well.

"Bye Bye Rocky, I'll be using your room, for the next few years, but I will miss you." Moonbin whispered into Rocky ear, and smiled at him.

"OH! MY BABY BOY IS GROWING UP! JINJIN I THINK I'M DYING HERE!!!!!" Mj hugged his second oldest son, and called over his husband.

JinJin came in, and looked at Mj, with a sweet smile.

"Yes, baby, but you're brother is here." JinJin drags someone by their shoulder, and Mj grags him back to a hug, with Rocky.

"Hi, Uncle Eunwoo." Rocky greeted his Uncle, once he out of the hug.

"You're finally going to leave!!" Eunwoo cheered, and started running around the waiting area.

They laughed, and said there final goodbye, before boarding the plane.

Dino looked out the window and sighed. He was going to miss his family, but he was excited for his new adventure. 

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