special christmas chapter

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Hi everyone, sorry for not updating this book in forever, it's been a stressful month but we're good now so update time <3

I decided since it's Christmas today, I would write a special chapter that doesn't effect the plot at all. Think of it as a small anecdote from their childhood, thank you so much for the support.

Enjoy <3

ages - 

Joshua - 12 

Jun - 11

Soonyoung - 11 

Wonwoo - 11 

Jihoon - 11

Seokmin - 10 

Mingyu - 10 

Minghao - 10 

Seungkwan - 9 

Hansol - 9 

Chan - 8 


"Ok everyone is here right?" Jeonghan questioned exasperated, he fixed his Christmas sweater the small golden bells ringing slightly. He adjusted the camera which was pointing towards a giant Christmas scene, multiple children under it. 

He stood still, his finger going over each child, counting quietly. With a small sigh, he turned towards his husband who was busy unwrapping a candy cane from it's plastic wrapping. 

"Babe, get Minghao for me!" Seungcheol looked up from his candy cane, surprised flashed across his face before he nodded venturing off into the other part of the mansion. 

Jeonghan turned back towards the other children, going towards them. He fixed Mingyu's fake white beard, make sure the fake furry ears of Seokmin's headband were standing upright, and rearranged Joshua's hair.

"Mom! Mom!" Joshua said as Jeonghan was busy fixing his hair, his mother hummed. "Santa Claus isn't real right?" 

Jeonghan gave him a sly grin, "Ah, I see you've entered the next stage of childhood: finding out all our secrets you were too young to understand." Joshua giggled, "Just keep it between us, I gotta keep your brothers happy somehow, alrighty?" The twelve year old nodded obediently as Jeonghan got up, he pat his head for good measure.

He gave a slight huff, the two missing members of his family were still missing. 

Just as he was about to go look for them himself, Seungcheol reappeared in the living room holding his ten year old son in his arms, a cheeky grin on his face. 

"Found this one in his room eating someone's chocolate, wonder who's it was?" Seungcheol faked a questioning tone as Minghao giggled. 

"Finders keeper, losers weepers." The boy recited, almost like a prayer he learned at the Church School he did not attend. Seungcheol rolled his eyes, attacking the boy with tickles, Minghao let out a breath, a laugh escaping his mouth as he wiggled trying to get away. 

"Oh really!" Seungcheol exclaimed, Jeonghan watched the scene fondly until Minghao managed to wiggle out of his father's grip as ran towards Jun and Wonwoo. 

Jeonghan turned back towards them, "Okie dokey, now that everyone is here, let's get this over with--" He started turning towards the camera's timer. 

"I can't find Channie!" Soonyoung yelled, standing up from his previous spot, looking frantically around the Christmas Tree. Jeonghan glanced, a worried look on his face. 

"Haha! I win!" 

An eight year old boy giggled happily, appearing from under the Christmas tree. Jeonghan let out a breath, shaking his head with a small smile. Soonyoung pouted, crossing his arms and returning to his spot, pushing the boy a little who only laughed it off. 

"Right, crisis averted." Jeonghan whispered, he turned towards Seungcheol who had popped the candy cane in his mouth. "Let's start shall we?" His husband nodded, going over towards the camera. 

Jeonghan took a spot next to Jihoon and Wonwoo.

"Okay kids! Time for pictures! Everyone say Merry Christmas!" Seungcheol set the timer for five seconds running over, and messily throwing himself into Jeonghan's lap which caused the man to let out a small gasp. 






"Merry Christmas!" 



in America 

"Jack, get the mail for me, will ya? Yeom is being fuzzy!" Mark said, holding a frustrated Yugyeom in his arms, the boy had lost his voice from a play date gone wrong. 

"Yeom, what do you want?" Mark asked gently, placing the boy on the counter. Yugyeom rolled his eyes, pointing towards his mouth and then to the nearby empty cup. "Oh, you want water then?" The boy gave a huff, before nodding. 

"Mail!" Jackson declared entering the kitchen, followed by a sleepy BamBam. "Bill, bill, ooh it's the Choi's Christmas card." Jackson opened the card revealing a messy and ethic picture with the kids scurrying out of frame, and Jeonghan with his arm in the air about to hit a very scared looking Seungcheol. 

Jackson let out a small laugh, showing Mark the picture who also laughed. 

"Never expected less from them." 

"Ours are worse than that." BamBam muttered quietly on a stool, as he looked over his father's shoulder. Yugyeom nodded in agreement. 

"Well who's fault was that?" Mark glared towards Jackson who only raised his arms in the air, in a sign of defeat. 

"Look who knew a smoke machine wasn't the move to go."  

"Literally anybody but you!" 

"Hey! That hurt!" Jackson said putting a hand on his chest, for dramatic affect. 

"Good. Just like how that smoke machine hurt." Mark gave him a look before handing Yeom a cup of water. 

"I think you're just giving me all the blame, you agreed with that the smoke would look like snow!" 

"I agreed to that, but that didn't mean you had to buy a giant one!" 

"But you insinuated that you would be fine with a giant smoke machine." 

"How the hell did that insinuate anything other than it looked like snow!" 

"Never told me it was a bad idea!" 

"I didn't think I'd have to!" 

"You've known for a decade, how could you have not known?!" 

BamBam and Yugyeom rolled their eyes, as they exited the living room and let their parents bicker. They had a SpongeBob special Christmas episode to attend to, and even though the two could still hear Mark scolding Jackson's ear off, it didn't bother them since it happened daily at that point. 

"I'm sorry, babe, I'm sorr- Ow! Nooooo, not my rice maker!" 

"Sorry not sorry, the rice maker as got to go now!" 

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