chapter seven

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-2 years later-

"Flight 23, has now landed. Thank you for choosing Korean Air Flights!"

Dino, and Rocky got off the plane. They had just came back from being a choreographer in London. They haven't visited their family since, they never had time, since their boss never gave them enough time for vacations.

They had become well known choreographer and had applied for a jobs in Korea. Knowing both of their reputation, the company accepted them, so now their took a flight back to Korea without telling anyone.

Both of them got off the plane.

"Let's greet our families, and them will invite everyone to a get together, and them will announce our relationship, got it babe." Rocky turned to Dino, who was holding hands with a eight year old. Rocky pecked Dino lips, a much more matured Dino, smiles and nods.

"Mom! Dad! Not in front of me!!" A eight year Shownu whines, and pulls his father hands. The couple only chuckled, and Rocky kissed Shownu cheek before turning toward his taxi.

Back with the others...

"Guys! Guys! Guys!" Hoshi came running into the living room, and jumped into the pile of handsome boys.

"Who gave Hoshi Hyung Chocolate again!" Jihoon screamed from the pile of people shushing him.

"I think it was Jun!" Wonwoo screamed back, and everyone turned to glare at the 27 year old.

"Guys! Mom made food!!!!!! And! And! Yugyeom and BamBam are coming to visit with Hansol!!!!!!" Hoshi screamed and the boys ran to the kitchen, to get a whiff of their Mother delicious cooking.

"Mom! Why are you cooking!!!" Joshua ran into the kitchen, his mother was stirring soup in a pot.

"I'm making soup, it a surprise. Yugyeom, and Bambam, are coming to visit, with hansol, so I wanted to make dinner." Jeonghan said has he wiped his hands with a towel, and turned to look at his children.

"When are they coming, so I could go wake the children." Wonwoo came in and set his cup on the counter, he was reading a book, so he had on his reading glasses.

"In like half an hour." Jeonghan looks at his watch, and then at Wonwoo.

"Ok, if you need me, i'll be watching the little ones." Wonwoo, walks out, with his book in hand.

Wonwoo, was a professor, at a university. He went to Harvard, in america, and learned a few languages, now he teaches, about 5 different languages, so he is busy on all five week days. But he gets weekends free.

"Hyung is still emo in the inside." Mingyu laughs a little before walking over to the pot were his mother was cooking soup.

"Ah! Mom you need to put the heat down, so the soup won't burn." Mingyu turns the knob, of the stove. Mingyu has become a word known chef.

He is known for his 4 star restaurants, in luxurious places. He gets invited to many places, around the world, to present his dishes, he is known for.

"Mom! I need help! One of my models, for my upcoming fashion show quit, I don't know what to do!!!" Seungkwan comes in the room, with his Gucci sunglasses on.

Seungkwan did come out as gay, to his family in high school, and he has now become a fashion director, and a very well known one.

"See if Hansol can take over." Jeonghan looks over at his 3rd youngest, and Seungkwan lightens up at the idea.

Hansol is a very handsome man, and is known in america, has the Korean version of Leonardo DiCaprio, he has modeled for his older brothers company, and others fashion company has well.

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