chapter ten

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Dino sighs happily, he then notices that one of hasn't left, Changkyun.

Oh god, this again. Dino thinks, has Changkyun stares back at him.

"Hey, Uncle Chan. You know that when hippos are mad, their sweat is red." Chan looks at Dino, he just nods.

He didn't know what Wonwoo did to his son, but he was going to emo, just like his father.

"Let's go get juice," Dino announces dragging the five-year-old towards the kitchen. He caught a quick glimpse of the children excitedly talking with each other, this time including Shownu.

He smiled before leading Changkyun to the kitchen.

"What do you want Apple juice or Orange Juice," Dino asked as he opened the fridge.

"Apple, Dad told me not to drink Mountain Dew yet," Changkyun said as he climbed onto a chair.

"Seriously what does your father teach you," Chan questioned as he poured the juice in the glass, and handing it to Changkyun.

"I don't know, he would tell me things, after he was done crying over a book he just read." Changkyun shrugged before drinking the juice and leaving.

Dino chuckled, and suddenly got a call. He looked at the caller ID. His old boss, greedy, and handsome. Chan hated him.

"What do you want," Dino asked in English.

"You picked up, what a surprise, from one of my employees." The irritating voice annoyingly chuckled.

"I told you already, the fucking contract is over. I do not work for you, L. So, stop fucking calling me." Dino cursed in English.

"Sorry, but I got a deal for you."L said, his English is incredibly fluent, having lived in America his whole life, but then moving to London.

"What is it." Dino inpatiencienly tapped his foot.

"You come back to London, keep working for me, and I will give you anything you want." L offered, Dino only rolled his eyes.

"L, I am not stupid, so, how about this, stop calling me, ok!" Dino angrily ended the phone call.

He walked out of the kitchen, he stormed out of the house, he needed to cool off.

Walking off into the park, he sat at one of the benches. He sighs.

He thought, and thought, about how horrible and greedy L is. Having rich parents, two of the richest businessman, in America.

A sudden voice brought him out his thoughts.

"Chan." He looked around and saw, his old club members. Mark, Baekhyun, Jeno, and Sehun.

He lost touch, with them, after college, like everyone else.

"Guys." Chan looked at them, weirdly. They looked at him and walked towards him.

"It has been a while, wow, were old." Sehun laughed hugging the other. The group of four, we're still close friends, with each other.

Jeno, is a gym teacher, for a high school, the students would always be on time, so they could see the man's smiling eyes.

Sehun, he was a famous actor, he is known for his charming face, and good dance moves.

Mark, is a doctor, he graduated two years after chan, to get his degree in medicine, he always had an eye on it since he was small.

Baekhyun, is Seungkwan personal assistant, because Seungkwan trusted him most, with him being Chan old friend, and having known him for years.

"I was going to ask Seungkwan hyung for your number, but now I don't need to." Dino hugged Baekhyun, he chuckled.

"How long have you been back for?" Mark questioned.

"I and Rocky got back a couple of days ago," Dino said, he needs to invite them to that get to together.

"Hey, I and Rocky are hosting a, kinda like a reunion on Saturday, and I was wondering if you would want to come?" Dino questioned, they were all sitting down on a bench.

"Yes! I haven't seen anyone in like forever!" Jeno smile, and patted the youngest back, Everyone else nodded in agreement.

"Well that's deal, here my number, I have to go!" Dino waved to them, after going bring them their number, hurrying home.

He unlocked the door quietly, having been chatting with the boys for hours.

Everyone was asleep, or so he thought.

The light turned on, all his brothers were seated in the dining room.

"Where have you been?" Joshua whispered over to Dino.

"You know, Mom and Dad were worried about you, you left all angry, and didn't come back for hours!" Hoshi whispered angrily.

"I got a phone call from someone I don't like, got angry, and I needed to cool off." Dino looks down, guilty.

"Who is this person, you don't like? Huh!" Jihoon came up to him, looking up to him since he was smaller than everyone else.

"It's someone, who I met in London. He's the reason, I couldn't visit you often, ok?" Dino faltered towards the seat next to him.

"Was it your old boss?" Joshua rubbed Dino back, he nodded.

"Well, what were you doing, while you were out?" Seokmin came in, patting Dino's head.

"I was at the park, and I met some old friends, and we were chatting with each other," Dino confessed and looked at his older brothers.

"Oh ok. Let's get some sleep." Joshua waved to everyone, and they followed to their rooms.

Dino sighs, and crashes towards his bed, falling asleep instantly, like the times he would be exhausted, after long days of work, in London. 

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