25 - Time Lapse

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Perhaps they also tired of him just like their fans? With his mind wandering aimlessly, he lets his legs take him to whatever place they want.


This is the reality of Bangtan. This is the reality of Bangtan when the eldest is not there to calm them. A flick of fact hit them and they are slipping. This is them without Jin. This is them without their pillar. They've come this far thanks to Jin, thanks to Jin as their pillar.


"Why won't he wake up?" Jimin asks the doctor out of curiousity.

"He needs time. His body is too weak for these whole situation. We have to perform a surgery during his weakest condition and it takes toll on his body" the man in white coat replies as he still examine Jin, checking everything.

"When will he wake up? It's been 4 days" Jimin asks again.

"In short amount of time, everything is fine with him by now so I assume he will wake up in short time being but-" the doctor says "his vocal chord is slightly injured cause by the poison"

"D-does it mean he can't sing anymore?" Yoongi interrupts, stuttering.

"He can but these whole situation may cause him post-traumatic stress disorder" the doctor replies.

The last thing the doctor did before he left the room was, giving Jin an injection, a type of medicine.


The next four hours makes them happy, of course they are happy. They finally can see Jin opening his eyes but those view hurt them.

Taehyung was holding Jin's hand during the time Jin tries to open his eyes. Once Taehyung saw that, he quickly press the button besides Jin.

It takes just about a minute or less for the doctor and a nurse to come to the room.

"Since everything is alright, we will extubate him now" the doctor says after a few check up.

Taehyung was about to pull his hand from Jin's, trying to give the doctor as much space as they're about to extubate Jin but Jin didn't let him do that. Jin still holds Taehyung's hand tightly.

"It's okay" the doctor says to Taehyung as he notice the younger.

And with Taehyung still holding Jin's hand, they watch the doctor extubate their hyung. The view hurt them. The whole process when the doctor pulls the tube from Jin's throat hurt them.

During the whole process of extubation, tears fall again and again from the corner of Jin's eyes. With that, all of them know the process of extubation hurt. Tears that fall from Jin's eyes is the sign of pain. They are sure of it.

As the doctor pulls the tube from his throat, Jin can't help but feel the pain. It truly hurt. He can't help but just hold Taehyung's hand and letting his tears fall from his eyes.

Jin is sure he will leave marks on Taehyung's hand but he can't help it. Those procedure of removing the tube hurt him.

By the time tears fall from the corner of Jin's eyes, Taehyung wipes it. After removing the tube, the doctor set an oxygen mask onto his face and give Jin some pain killer through the IV drips which cause Jin being sleepy and finally feel asleep with still holding Taehyung's hand.

Jin is not letting Taehyung pulls his hand even when he is sleeping.

While Jin is sleeping, still holding Taehyung's hand, the doctor says to them

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