Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

I slid my shin guards into my socks when my best friend, Tessa, walked into the locker room asking, "Hey girl, you ready?"

I nodded my head before standing up and giving her an encouraging hug. After releasing her from my embrace I asked her where all the girls were.

"They're already in the tunnel," Tessa replied.

We both walked out of the locker room and came upon a group of excited girls, my team. I made it onto the Women's National soccer team for USA at the beginning of the season. I could not be more excited to play this last game. Yes, I played along side Abby Wambach, Alex Morgan, Sydney Leroux, Hope Solo, all those amazing girls I've dreamed of standing next to. And I got to play with Tessa.

We both started playing soccer in kindergarten, so you could say we know a little about the amazing game. In high school we played varsity as incoming freshmen, and might I add we killed it! We both got scouted and played for UCLA in college.

And now we are playing on the highest level possible. We're pretty lucky.

The screaming of Coach Myers's voice snapped me out of my thoughts, and we all huddled together to shout our chant.

"Alright girls, this is the last game of the season until this September. Let's finish with a bang!"

We screamed and shouted until Coach waved us out onto the field. After warming up the referees called the captains from each team to flip the coin. When our captain came back she told us what side we were playing on for the first half, and with that we all got into position. I jogged down toward the goalie box and faced center field. The ref blew the whistle signaling the kickoff.

Right off the bat one of the center-mids from the opposing team raced down the field towards me. I sprinted toward her getting ready to tackle her and pass the ball to my center-back. Once I had the ball I passed it on and tried to mark up the center-mid player from before. Didn't want her getting the ball again. Our center-forward and striker, Abby and Alex, gained possession of the ball and made their way up the field. They maneuvered around the opposing defenders. Abby crossed the ball to Alex, and she kicked it into the goal.

We all jumped and screamed as Alex slid on the grass facing the crowd. Cheers erupted from the stadium as we resumed back to our positions.

Another kickoff took place, and once again that center-mid from before got the ball and ran toward me. Great. Letting my ego get the better of me I tried to tackle her but failed to steal the ball. She ran past me and dribbled toward the goal. Luckily one of my center-backs cleared the ball up the field, but my relief faded away as an opposing player headed it to their striker. I didn't have time to think before she past both me and the other defenders. It was just her and Hope now.

I tried to sprint back down to prevent her from shooting on goal, but I was too late. She took a shot and it barely made it past Hope's arms before sliding into the goal.

I dropped my head in disappointment whilst listening to Coach Myer's scream "What's going on?!", from the bench. I resisted looking at him because I already knew the look he must of had on his face, which is not a good one.

"Maci, you have to watch who's open! Mark up!!!!", he screamed.

The next time that particular center-mid ran toward me I was determined to trip her, legally at least. I tackled her but failed to touch the ball. I heard the whistle go off and immediately thought to myself, "Yellow card". I let out a huff and cringed as I heard the ref call a free-kick. Crap. This is not good. The defenders listened to Hope's instructions on where to stand. After she was satisfied we prepared ourselves for the kick. The whistle blew and the center-mid kicked the ball. All of us jumped to head it, but it went higher than we were able to reach; however, not too high where it made it in the net. The opposing team screamed with joy. I used my shirt to wipe off the sweat forming on my forehead. Crap. Crap. Crap.

I couldn't even let myself look at Coach Myers. But I could feel his eyes burning into the back of my head. That was all my fault. Okay I have to get myself together.

Tessa came up to me before the game resumed again, "What is going on? You're never like this at practice, Maci."

"You think I know? That center-mid is just everywhere I look. I can't seem to stay on her."

"We'll you need to!", she spit back.

Why is everyone getting on me about this? What are our half-backs doing?! If they would just keep the ball from getting past them we wouldn't be in the dilemma now would we?

Soon enough the ref called for half-time, and we headed back to the locker rooms. I sat on the bench and  swallowed a mouthful of water and sprayed some over my face to cool off. The looks I got from all the girls as they walked in confused and frustrated me at the same time. It's not just me on the team! Ugh. Coach walked in with his head down refusing to look at us. Oh boy. He's pissed.

I gulped before he finally looked up to us, his gaze staying a little longer on me, before traveling down the rest of the row of girls.

"First off I would like to say well done on that first goal. Good team work and communication. Second I would like to ask what the hell happened? You guys had a great start, but I could tell you all were lacking as the game went on."

He finished by staring directly at me. I couldn't let him blame me for this so I finally decided to defend myself.

"Why do you keep looking at me?! It's not just my fault! We all have a part to play in this game. We are all responsible, so I'm not gonna let you all make me feel like I'm the one holding us back."

Coach looked at me, puzzled. I took another large gulp and looked at my cleats. What did I just say?

He finally spoke, "You're right."


I mean, dang right I am.

"You are not the only player on this team. Everyone is responsible for our performance, including myself."

I was utterly shocked at what this man was saying. Is he okay? Am I hallucinating?

"With that being said, you guys HAVE to work together. I want to hear you guys talking to each other the whole time. Trust each other. This is all I ask. We only have one half left. Make it count. Okay bring it in."

We walked towards Coach Myers and put our hands in.


My nerves increased as I stepped back on the field.

The ref blew the whistle, and we began the second half.

Fifteen minutes went by and we were able to sneak in another goal making us even with the other team. I was starting to get a bit more confident, but just like in the first half my relief slipped away. That SAME center-mid, who I've grown a annoyance for, made her way toward me. I prepared myself to attack and successfully steal the ball sending back up to our forwards. Abby trapped the ball and sprinted up the field.

I jogged up farther to mark up open opponents in case she lost the ball. Another player ended up stealing the ball from Abby and kicked it my way. I trapped the ball in my chest and tried to dribble around my attacker. She took the ball from me, quite quickly might I add, and ran down toward Hope.

I mentally face palmed myself as she got closer and closer. Where are my other defenders?! She is running circles around us!

I watched her swing her leg back to kick the ball, and I immediately looked away knowing where the ball was going to end up. I heard the crowd shout, "GOAL!!!!", and the ref blew the final whistle.

I dropped to my knees trying to prevent tears from escaping my eyes.

You can guess why...we lost.

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