Chapter 14

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Maci's POV :

As we were driving back to the dorms , my mind was overwhelmed with thoughts about him. Yeah, he might of been sitting right next to me, but my heart was so happy about tonight. It had been amazing. Apart from the ants, everything was perfect.

I was already anxious to see him again, outside of practice I mean.

"Maci..." I heard him say my name. "What are you thinking about?"

"Just how wonderful tonight was. I really needed some relaxing, and you nailed it."

He laughed. "Glad to be of service. We're here by the way."

"Hm?" I looked out the window and saw the front door to the dorm building.

"How do you do that so fast?" I asked him.

"I didn't." He chuckled. "You were just in la-la land the whole ride back."

"It's a happy place to be." I said in defense.

"No kidding." He laughed once more.

"I hope you don't mind that we aren't doing the extravagant dates and stuff like that." He said.

"Are you kidding? If anything, that's what I prefer, really. I like just sitting and talking with you." 

"You are truly amazing. You are a one of a kind girl, Maci."

It's like he wants to see me blush. Which I did. And he laughed. Come on cheeks, work with me here.

"And I can say the same thing about you."

And without any opposition from me, he leaned in and gave me the sweetest kiss. I'm gonna remember that one for awhile.

"Boa noite, linda." And he kissed me one last time.

"Boa noite, bonito." 

"Look who's been studying up on her Portuguese?" He chuckles.

"What can I say? I'm a natural."

He nudged me away and let out a sarcastic 'oh just go'. I giggled and step out of his car.

"See you tomorrow beautiful."

"See you tomorrow handsome."

He winked at me and puts his car into reverse.


"Maci! Wake up girl, we have to head down to the mess hall now if we want breakfast." Tessa said.

"You know, I get you're trying to be a good friend and everything, but could you just not wake me up anymore? I've decided that I'll stay home today."

I offered a convincing grin, but to my disappointment I did not succeed.

"Fine, stay here and not see your handsome boyfriend run around in those amazing soccer outfits. Who knows? He might even take his shirt off." She teased me.

Dang it. Did she have to put that mental image in my head? I wasn't exactly complaining, but I was searching for no motivation to come to practice today. I guess that was changing.

"And he's not my boyfriend, yet." I smirked at her.

"Either way, you need to hurry up."

I managed to force myself out of bed. After I put up my hair and changed, I walked out the bathroom to meet Tessa. We walked down to the mess hall and grabbed our breakfast heading over to our usual table.

After 5 minutes I heard the all too familiar voice echoing through the room. I didn't dare turn around because I knew if I did, he would see my rosy cheeks. And I would much rather he didn't.

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