Chapter 3

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When the rest of the girls found out, the building became a mad house. I heard girls scrambling around in their rooms, picking things up, setting things down, screaming from excitement. I mean, I'm excited but not to the point where I begin crying. Cough...Tessa...cough.

After finally emptying out my closet of all it's contents, my suitcase consisted of mainly running shorts, socks, sports bras, LOTS of deodorant, and soccer EVERYTHING. You could tell that I'm an athlete. A girl? Not so much. Maybe I should throw a a skirt or dress in there. Hmmm, we'll see.

By the time 8:00 pm rolled around, I was exhausted. I exited my bathroom, and when I fell into my bed I passed out immediately. And I mean as soon as my head touched that fluffy, plush pillow.


I was grateful that I went to bed pretty early last night, because this morning coach walked into my room with a megaphone, YES A MEGAPHONE, and shouted, "Waaakkkkkkeeeee upppppppp. You have a big day ahead of you, so get up and be down with all your stuff in twenty minutes!"

Ugh gag me. 


After a few minutes, girls started to collect in the downstairs lobby. What a sight this was. You've got glasses on, bags under the eyes on, hair up, yawning faces, and sweatpants. Lots of sweatpants.

I won't even let you judge us. It's 5:00 am, and we have a 7:30 am flight to our first layover in Miami. Then Venezuela. THEN Belo Horizonte, Brazil. 

We all gathered in the car, and forced the coach to take us to Starbucks. How could he say no when he has a van full of cranky girls? He can't. 

Now that I had my vente iced coffee, I was happy. We finally made it to the airport and checked in our bags. We settled into the Sky Club room, and I used this chance to call my mom.

After two rings she answered. Which was surprising since it was 6:00 am.

"Hey sweetheart."

"Hey mom." I smiled at her warming voice. I missed this woman.

"What time is your flight?"

"7:30. How are you up? I was just planning on leaving a message or something."

"Your dad's snoring woke me up, and I couldn't go back to sleep." I frowned  knowing how awful that was.

"Aw mom, I'm sorry. That sounds terrible." I giggled and heard her sarcastic moan through the phone.

"So are you excited for Brazil? I can't wait to see some pictures. I wish I could go with you, so we can gawk at all the hot soccer players together." I loved my mom. Honestly, I feel like she is my 21 year old best friend instead of my mom.

"I wish you could too, except coach said no boys. He was very clear that we are there for solely soccer."

She laughed a loud HA into my ear, and I couldn't help but smile.

"Has he not been coaching you for a whole season? Has he EVER actually met a girl in person? YOU especially. You're probably the most boy-crazy on the whole team."

"Hold up! Tessa and I are at a tie thank you very much." I rebuked.

"Yeah sure. Whatever floats your boat honey."

"Hey, I'm the only one allowed to use cliches in this family."

She laughed. "I don't know mom. Whatever God has for me, I'll try my best to make the best of it."

"I know for a fact He has something amazing waiting for you down there."

I sure hope so.

We said our goodbyes and 'I love you' s before finally hanging up.

In the time leading up to our first flight I managed to eat the whole snack table, sleep fifteen minutes, read a few chapters of my bible, and discuss what might happen in Brazil with Tessa.

Coach looked at his watch. "Okay ladies gather your stuff. Our plane boards in ten minutes. Let's make our way down."

I threw my backpack over my shoulder and reached for my water bottle.

"Maci, you're my plane buddy." Tessa called out.

I didn't object because 1. She's my best friend and 2. She snores the least out of every other girl on the team, including myself. Thanks a lot dad.

"Always, girl. Hopefully they have good movies this time. I was very disappointed with their selection last time."

"Definitely. That was a painful four hours, man."

We laughed and followed coach down to the gate. More people started to recognize us, considering we all wear wearing our team shirts. While waiting in line to board, a girl who looked to be about sixteen walked up to us and asked for a photo with Tessa and me.

"Yeah sure babe." I said.

She moved between the two of us. We wrapped our arms around her and smiled. After her mom took the picture the girl thanked us and gave each of us a hug. After she left I looked at Tessa and gave her a puppy dog face.

"Do those girls just not melt your heart?" She said.

I loved that whole aspect of my career. I strive to be a good role model and inspire amazing girls like that one we just took a photo with.

"I'd have to say it's my favorite part of my job." I smiled.

We made our way on the plane, and I immediately stole the window seat.

"Hey! You got the window seat last time!" Tessa whined.

"You can have it on the next one." I cheekily grinned at her.

"I'm gonna make it on the plane earlier just to be safe." 

"Whatever you want." I laughed back at her.

Before the plane started to move, I grabbed Tessa's hand and said, "Let's pray real quick."

She nodded and bowed her head. I followed and began the prayer.

"Father, thank you for this day and for giving us the opportunity to train in Brazil. Please take us safely to Miami and through all the rest of today. Let your will be done and your kingdom come. In your name we pray, amen!."

"Awesome. Now I can sleep with peace." 

I'm so blessed to have a friend like Tessa. She was the one who first invited me to her church. I fell in love with it immediately. We both came to Christ around the same time and got baptized on the same night. She's always been the one to help me with my faith as I've been trying to do for her. She's more like a sister. I know that sounds cliche, but like I said to my mom, I'm only allowed to use dumb cliches and puns.

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