Chapter 13

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His POV:

Before I walked to my car, I watched Maci walk up the stairs to her room. Today, Maci and I had come to the conclusion that we didn't have very much time to be with each other due to our busy schedules. I guess I never really thought this through before asking her out.

I hope she doesn't grow skeptical again. It took me too long to get to where we are now, and I am not letting anything ruin it. She's too important to me to just give up. 

I finally arrived to my dorm and saw that Thiago was already asleep. I cleaned up and went out onto the balcony before going to bed. As I sat on one of the chairs overlooking the city, I couldn't help but think about how we would work this out.

"God, I just come to you right now praying that you will guide us in this relationship. I only want to pursue it if it's in your will. Please, I need a sign that this is what you want for me. I love you, and in your name I pray all these things. Amen." I prayed aloud.

The city lights twinkled in the distance. The expanse of Belo Horizonte encompassed the entire new from our balcony. I realized that if God could take care of an entire city of people, He could most definitely take care of Maci and I, so long as we invite to be a part of us. 


I woke up before Thiago did, so I took this moment of quiet to myself, brewed a cup of coffee, and read some verses of my bible out on the balcony. I came across one verse, Psalm 37:3-4, that definitely helped to ease my mind.

"Trust The Lord, and do good things. Live in the land, and practice being faithful. Be happy with The Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart."

Father, I trust in you. All in you. I kissed my fingertips and raised my hand up the the sky.

"David, você está bem?" Thiago asked from the balcony door.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just sitting here thinking, that's all." I reassured him.

"I'm heading down to the dining hall. Want to come with?" He offered.

"Of course. Yeah, just let me get ready." And with that I returned inside and got dressed.

As we passed the dining hall doors, I immediately searched for Maci. I spotted her sitting with Tessa at their usual table. Once I was a few feet away, Tessa saw me and pointed. Maci looked confused at first, but then she turned around and smiled upon seeing me. Gosh, I'll never get used to that bright smile.

"Hey, good morning." She said happily.

I returned her smile with a 'good morning' following shortly after. "Um, I just wanted to tell you beforehand that for practice today, we'll be getting in some mileage, and then work on sprints, etc. so don't change into your cleats or anything. Normal running shoes will be fine." I warned.

"Okay, I shall be ready!" She said with a nod.

If we were not in this 'secret relationship' I would be most definitely kissing her goodbye. But, because we were, I couldn't. And that killed me. All I want to do is kiss her.

Thiago and I eventually found a spot to sit down, and we started to eat our breakfast.

"What do you think this meeting will be about after practice today?" I asked him.

"I'm pretty sure to discuss the upcoming season. It will be here faster than we think. We can't afford any distractions right now."

You don't say.

About five minutes later our coach walked over to us.

"Just wanted to let you two know that I cancelled today's meeting. Something came up that I have to take care of. Anyways I postponed it to tomorrow before practice. Have a good day guys." He said.

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