Chapter 17

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What happened last night scared the crap out of me. I tried holding it together for David, but once I got to my room I broke into sobs. Poor Tessa had to try and calm me down. I want to be with him so bad but I'm starting to wonder if it's really worth it.

I've worked so hard to get where I am. Do I really want to throw it away over some boy who I might not even see again once I leave Brazil? Ugh, why must my life be so frustrating? God, why can't I just be happy? Why can't I have the best of both worlds?

He still hasn't answered yet.


"Hey sweet girl. How are you doing?" Tessa asked me when I woke up.

I looked up to her, "Honestly not well at all. I'm really nervous about what might happen today. Who knows what coach will say when he finds out?"

"You mean 'if' he finds out." She tried to comfort me.

"No, I mean 'when', unfortunately." I replied in dismay.

We both looked to the nightstand when we heard a phone buzzing. Tessa walked over to her phone and opened up the message.

Her face fell into a look of concern.

That couldn't be good.

"Coach wants to see you in his office."

Oh God help me.



I shook my coach's hand as he welcomed me to sit down. I didn't like where this was going already.

"So did you see the newspaper this morning?" He asked me.

Uh oh.

"Not yet. Anything interesting?" I said jokingly.

He didn't look amused at all. That probably wasn't the best idea.

He slapped today's newspaper on his desk forcing me to look at it. And of course there was a picture of me with Maci from the restaurant last night. The headline was even worse than the picture.

"Famous futbol player David Luiz was caught with USA Women's futbol player Maci Carter. More than a trainer/ trainee relationship, wouldn't you agree?"

Oh I hope Maci wasn't in the same position that I was right now.

"This is not acceptable David. I can't have you messing around with my best friend's players!" He shouted at me.

"We aren't messing around! I was just taking her out for a celebratory dinner for her performance on Saturday. It was a complete misunderstanding. I mean, you know how the media can be? They always twist around the truth just to get a juicy story. I promise there is nothing going on between us. It was just a dinner." I argued.

I know I lied, but like I said to Maci, she was worth it.

"Even if there's nothing going on I don't want you being with her at all besides the practices. That's what she is here for. Coach Myers made it clear to his girls and now I'm making it clear to you. Just be her trainer, nothing else. If I see you with her other than on that field, serious consequences will be given. Do you understand?"

I rubbed my eyes with frustration. He couldn't do this. I wouldn't allow it.

"Yes sir. Just on the field."

"Good. Now get to the stadium for practice." He commanded.

I got up without making any eye-contact. This was ridiculous.



I walked into coach's office unable to stop my rapid breathing.

As soon as I walked in I felt immediate tension. He typing away on his computer. Without saying any words he took a newspaper and set it on his desk for me to see.

It was today's paper, and on the front page I saw what I was dreading the most. My breath hitched in my throat; my mind started racing with things he was going to say to me. I didn't know if I could take whatever he was about to yell at me.

I quietly sat down and waited for him to muster up a sentence.

"I thought I made my rules very clear when we came out here." He said with disappointment in his voice.

I looked down at my hands unable to look at him in the eyes. However, I could sure feel him staring me down. I gained the courage to meet his gaze. And he did not look happy. At all.

"Maci, this behavior is unacceptable. You aren't showing how much you want to be on this team. I'm tempted to send you back home now."

Hold in the tears Maci. Don't let go.

"He was just rewarding me for my performance on Saturday. It was a harmless dinner. And the media is completely misguiding everyone. You of all people should know that."

He looked at me for a minute as if he was considering my argument. But even that was a wish I'd never get.

"I don't want you seeing him outside of your practices. Understand?"

"Yes sir."

"Okay then. Get out of here so you can be on time for today's practice.

"Yes sir."

And then I walked out with my head down trying so hard to hold in the tears that were begging to be released.


I walked onto the grass field dreading my practice with David. I felt like as soon as I saw his face I'd burst into tears. I didn't see him yet so I decided to head over to one of the goals and practice my shots.

A few minutes passed by before I heard footsteps making their way towards me. Alright, here we go.

I turned around to see the tall frizzy haired male standing in front of me.

"Hi." He said.


"Did you uh-did you see today's headline?"

"Yeah I did. And so did my coach." I crossed my arms over my chest and looked down to my feet.

He took a step closer to me. "Look, Maci I'm sorry about what happened last night."

"This is exactly what I was worried about. I appreciate you trying to be optimistic and everything but let's face it. We aren't thinking rationally at all!" I yelled out, but not loud enough for others on the field to hear.

He took another step closer.

He whispered now.

"Maci, please don't give up. Don't let one little bump in the road stop you."

A little bump? Is he serious?

"You think this is just a 'little bump'?"

"Yes, and it's something we will get through." He said.

"Look David..."

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