Chapter 12

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The sun eventually had to go down, so David and I took that as our cue to leave. Once we were both in the car, he reached over the console for my hand. I could get used to that. He raised my hand up to his mouth and kissed it. I couldn't help but smile. He laughed and put the car in drive. Twenty minutes later we were at the entrance to my dorm.

"I'll see you tomorrow at practice, Maci. Goodnight."

"Thank you."

He pulled me in for one last kiss, and then walked back to his car. I turned around and headed up the stairs. Just as I was about to grab the door handle, it swung open with an eager Tessa standing behind it.

"Spill everything. Now." She demanded.

Whoa der. Calm yoself.

"It was good. I had a nice time." I said emotionless. I wanted to make her work for this one. Mwuahaha.

"Good?! That's all you have to say! Maci, you have GOT to give me more than that."

I ignored her and made my way to the bathroom. Before I made it five feet I felt a dead weight consume my leg. Oh this is gold. She was actually hanging onto my leg like a child. Where's my phone so I can document this? I tried to drag her into the bathroom. I managed to do just that. I still pretended to ignore her. I brushed my teeth and brushed out my hair.

"Maci, pleaseeeeeeee tell me. Pleaseeeeeeeeee."

"I'm changing now. You sure you want to see all this?" I said referring to my body.

"I'm not letting go until you tell me."

"Suit yourself."

I removed my dress and threw it on her face. Then a sting suddenly shot up my leg.

"Ouch! So you're biting me now?"

"I must knowwwwww." She said.

I didn't want her to bite me again, so I decided to tell her.

"Okay okay! Just stop biting me! Yeesh, you're not a vampire. Alright so we first went to the stadium to change and drove to the restaurant from there. Then we had dinner and talked about how we started soccer. Then he took me to Serra De Moeda, a beautiful field of flowers and trees, to watch the sunset. Then he kissed me. I promise that's all that happened."

She had a pleased look on her face. I walked out of the bathroom and crawled into my bed.

"Is he a good kisser?"

"Goodnight Tessa." And with that, I turned off the lights and went to sleep.


Tessa and I were sitting in the dining hall eating our breakfast when we heard the guys walk in. My hopeful eyes searched for David. He came in last. Once his eyes met mine, the biggest smile formed on his face sending butterflies all over my body.

"You are so lucky. Oscar needs to step up his game." She laughed.

After I finished chewing my previous bite I said, "All in God's timing babe."

She gave me a displeased expression, "You didn't even want a boyfriend, yet you still got it. So how come when I actually want one it doesn't happen?"

"That's the problem. You can't be looking for love. Wait for it to find you."

"I hate you." She said.

"Aw, I hate you too." I replied.

We finished up breakfast and walked to the stadium like usual. The men followed quickly behind us. Every time I looked back I saw David look at me. And every time he gave me a charming smile. He's so cute.

David caught up to me when I stepped foot onto the grass.

"Ready for today's practice?" He asked.

"Yes, but let's make one clear. No acting like we are dating. On the field we are just friends. Got it?"

"Oh, so we're dating now?"


"Moving on!" I tried to change the subject.

He thankfully let it go.

"Alright, today I've set up a defensive speed course. I have hurdles and poles for you to maneuver through. You'll line up on the right corner of the eighteen yard box. You're gonna double step in each hurdle and then sprint to the training sticks. Then make a quick 45 degree cut around the first training stick and head towards the 2nd training stick. Upon approaching the 2nd training stick make another 45 degree cut and head towards the last training stick. Next make a 90 degree cut around the last training stick and sprint towards the top of the 6 yard box. I will play a ball (bouncing or on the ground) towards the goal and then you must quickly maintain possession and distribute the ball to me near the sideline. Got all of that?"


"Uh... Yeah let's do it."

"Ready, set, go!"

What was I doing?


The drill was confusing at first, but after a few tries I got the hang of it. Us, Tessa, and Oscar were the only people left in the stadium at the end of the day. We managed to surpass our practice yet again. David and I were picking up the hurdles and training sticks, and we set them over by the benches.

"So when can I take you out again?" He asked.

"I'm not sure. Coach has team meetings planned after practice for the rest of the week. Sunday would be fine again." I replied.

"No I can't. We have a team meeting as well."

"David how do you assume this will work out if both of us are busy all the time?"

"Hey now. Don't you go doubting me again."

Too late.

"It's just this week that is a little hectic. We'll figure something out. I promise."


"Okay. I'll see you tomorrow Maci."

We noticed that Tessa and Oscar were already gone, so David pulled me towards him and kissed my forehead, then my nose, and finally my lips.

"See you tomorrow." I whispered.

By the time I returned to my dorm, the skeptic hiding inside of me begged to come out. Why couldn't I just trust him? God why did you bring us together if we have no time to actually spend with each other? It doesn't make sense. Father, let me know what I should do.

I suddenly felt a small sense of peace overcome my mind and my heart. I tried to think back to times in my life where God kept His word. I felt His Spirit nudging me that this time was no different. 

Okay God. Please don't let me down.

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