Unumerous Collisions

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Authors Note:

Hello readers I'm so sorry for the extremely late update didn't know how to continue, but I did. I know you all hate These notes because so do I, but I need to apologize to you guys. This chapter wasn't edited so if there's any mistake please point it out politely and I will gladly correct it. Well, I won't take any more time from you. Hope you guys like this chapter; it's eight pages long on word so hope is blong for you guys.

Enjoy. ^_^


Chapter II:

Yaedliz’ POV

The next day at school I kept thinking about the super strange dream I had the day before. I had asked Ann about the strange voice, but didn’t exactly tell her it was about me. If I told that to Ann, Alex or even Melody they would surround me and bother me to tell them about it and explain why I was talking to a voice I didn’t even recognized.

The days passed and I kept dreaming and hearing the same voice from time to time, but unfortunately it got a little worse. It has been four days since I started falling asleep in classes and started dreaming with the weird voice. I have been taken to the principal’s office, told to go to bed earlier and even told to go to a doctor but nothing of that stopped me from falling asleep everywhere or the voice from getting in my head. This really is freaking me out. What if it’s some kind of severe brain damage? Or if I’m turning into some kind of crazy middle schooler? Could this be puberty? Maybe I’m just getting a bit paranoid.

All of this was running through my mind while my mom was talking with the principal since it was the second time today I was sent to the office because I fell asleep in class and it was the seventh time this week. Monday I fell asleep in History; Tuesday in Spanish; Wednesday in Science and English and today I fell asleep in History, English and Math. It appears to be that this week I had won a one way express ticket to the principal’s office. I’m not an angel if that’s what you’re thinking. I have an angel’s face, voice, eyes and apparently even its pshyquic powers or something, but I’m not a devil either.

“Mr. Principal I have been taking Yaedliz to her appointments, she’s going to bed at seven sharp and is taking all of her vitamins. I can’t explain why she’s still falling asleep in classes.” My mom said a little pissed to the Principal.

“Well, Miss Mc’Goumery I’ve been told so far this week that your daughter Yaedliz has fallen asleep seven times. Two times in History class, one time in Spanish, one in Science, one time in Math and two times in English class.” The Principal told my mom listing all the classes and giving me a stern look.

“Mr. Principal I’m sure that my daughter is a very good student. I know she’s not an angel but she sure is a good person. I can assure you that if you go and ask all the teachers who she behaves in the classroom they will say that she’s a very good student.” Answered my mom relax but with confidence in her voice.

“Ok Miss Mc’Goumery I will.” Finally answered the Principal several minuts thinking about what my mom had said. “But I’ll have to warn you that if the student falls asleep in another class I’ll have to expel her for several days.” Finished the Principal with concern in his voice.

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