1:The Ugly Newbie

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Kiara's POV:
"Look at her, jesus! She is a nightmare!"

I shifted in discomfort, knowing very well that those women were talking about me.

"Look at her braces! Gross!" another commented. I pulled on my hoodie, hoping that it would save me from their rude remarks.

"She is so fat! Eww! What does she eat?" the woman wondered loudly.

These comments shouldn't have bothered me- I should've been used to it; but it still did.

They hurt me like a bitch.

I gripped on my suitcase tightly. Much to my dismay, the pain in my heart refused to subside; those words wounded me deeper than any physical cut would.

Thankfully, my destination arrived and I got down.

Their words replayed in my mind.

Ugly, Ugly, Ugly.

She looks like an alien.

She is fat.


She is ugly.

"No Kiara!" I scolded myself, "Don't let them get to you! You are stronger! Don't cry... Don't..."

I couldn't hold it back anymore.

I burst out in tears in the middle of the sidewalk. The passerbys gave me that weird look. I tried to shield my tear strained face by hiding behind my hands. I rubbed my face vigorously, hoping to get rid of my tear strained face.

After awhile when I looked up; I realized something.

I just broke my new pair of glasses! How was I supposed to find the dorm in charge?

How the he11 could I break a pair of glasses just by rubbing my face? It's stupid!

I wandered here and there without any clue. I had no idea about my supposed next move.

I kept my head casted downwards; wanting to avoid any kind of attention. But, I guess, my extraterrestrial being like outfit and my extremely 'rare' perfectly potato shaped figure attracted people anyway.

Who wouldn't want to observe something unique?

I saw a group of guys chatting among themselves; but judging by the amount of laughter they were throwing at this direction, I assumed they were talking about me.

I needed help. I debated with myself that whether it would be okay to ask someone. They could refuse me and laugh at my face like every single person did.

I was so indulged in my reverie that I didn't notice a guy making his way towards me. I couldn't see his face; he was nothing but a blurry figure. But man! Was that figure tall!

"May I help you?" the figure, alias man asked in a deep raspy voice.

My head snapped towards him and I noticed that the hallway had grown silent.

And it was not the less-talking-here-and-there kind of silence. It was that pin-drop kind of silence.

The blurry stranger was now a feet far from me, but I was already shivering. He had a powerful aura.

I realized that I was standing there like a fool, gawking at him. Well, not actually gawking at him, I was staring helplessly at his figure.

"Can y-you help me finding the dorm in-charge?" I replied nervously.

"Follow me" he chuckled.

And so I followed the blurry figure.

Why would he want to help me anyway?

Was this some kind of prank?

What if he pushed me into the bin and recorded me afterwards?

Or worse, what if he showed me the way to the men's toilet and locked me there? Oh no!  I gasped.

"Everything alright?" the blurry ghost spoke.

"N-nothing...no-nothing at all, sir," I replied like a stupid.

I heard a faint laugh and he spoke again- "What's your name?"

"Kiara Haron" I replied timidly.

"Freshman?" I nodded in reply.

"You are not much of a talker, are you?" he let out a loud huff- "You won't ask your saviour's name? That's rude, you know" he stated- a hint of arrogance laced his voice.

I didn't know what came over me, I suddenly felt a rush of adrenaline and before I could comprehend my next words, they automatically came out, "Well saviour;" my voice dripped with sarcasm "What's your name?"

"You can call me Sinn," he replied amused. I was sure I was scarlet by his statement.

We walked in silence, but it was a good one. After a couple of minutes, he guided me toward a huge door.

"Mr. Ruther!" he called out.

Hearing his voice another blurry figure came out of the door, I'm assuming that he is our dorm in charge for this year.

"Mr. Williamson, how may I help you?" he spoke in his much mature voice.

"Please assist this young lady," he stared at me for a few moment.

I felt a jolt of electricity running down my veins.

For god's sake Kiara! You can't even see the man! I scolded myself.

He walked past me, leaving a tingly sensation in my body.

"Thank you, Sinn!" I called out.

He stopped for a moment but continued walking away.

When I came out of Mr. Ruther's office, it was almost noon. My eyes were starting to hurt.

Being without glasses makes you realize that the world is nothing but an illusion.

I tried to find my way but failed. I should've taken out my spare glasses.

Being without glasses is so much fun!

No sooner had I managed to find the right path, I bumped into someone and fell into the mud in the garden area.

"Watch your steps, bitch!" a sugary sweet squirrel like voice confronted me.

"Who the hell is she?!" another voice spoke.

Great! Fu¢king fantastic!

I tried to get up and face them but my face was covered in mud.

"Look at her! God!" the sharp toned female commented, niggling me. Another female tugged at my green scarf and sniffed it.

"She smells like peanuts!" I casted my head downwards.

I noticed that people were enjoying this and some were recording me.

I swallowed the lump forming in my throat. My eyes stung.

I didn't know what would be the right thing to do in this situation.

So I did the one thing I could always do.

I shoved them out my way and ran.

"Where are ya going, you ugly little trouble maker?" I didn't pay heed to them.

I was running, until my legs started to hurt. When I couldn't do so anymore, I sat with my knees folded and took in my surroundings.

There were trees everywhere! Is this a meadow? A meadow in the garden maybe?

Tears escaped my eyes; and for the first time I didn't try to hold them back- knowing very well that they will break free at some point.

I looked up at the clear blue sky. Closing my eyes- I prayed to whoever hid behind that blue shield for a miracle.

Well, if anyone was watching me, he would surely know my never ending suffering.

My heart hoped for some magic or whatever that would take away this agony.

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