10: Confusions

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Kiara's POV:

It's been 10 days.

10 days since our 'date'.

That night, after dropping me, he tried to kiss me. That's normal after a date, right? But I couldn't let him.

It triggers bad memories.

I could sense his fury. I guess he doesn't do well with rejection. There was a moment when I was contemplating whether I should kiss him or not. I was confused. A part of me wanted nothing but to grab his collar and kiss the life out of him.

But another part of me said, "Remember Kiara, Tyler did the same."

I immediately decided that kissing him was a bad idea. Sure, Tyler and Sinn had so much in common, but Sinn was more confident, more arrogant and way more sexy.

I didn't need another Tyler. What if all of this was just a cruel joke?

Sighing, I tried to concentrate on the book I was currently reading.

"50 shades of grey. Hmm......interesting.." a sly voice rasped from above me. A voice I knew too well.

I squeaked and shut the book, facing him. He was close, so close that I could feel the heat radiating from his body. His warm breath fanned my forehead. "S-sinn," I stuttered.

"You have a.... different taste, Kiara," he commented, his eyes still fixed on the book. A mischievous smirk made it's way onto his face, causing me to turn scarlet.

"Uh- I was just....reading, you know- haha," I tried to reason awkwardly.

Way to defend yourself Kiara, do you want an Oscar? My subconscious glared at me.

He chuckled in response, "Yeah, I think I know reading," He said, emphasising on 'reading'. I rolled my eyes and got up. He nodded and walked out of the library. I followed him.

"So, Kia," Sinn started, settling himself down comfortably on a bench, "You didn't contact me after our date."

"I thought you made your decision? " I asked. He raised a perfectly sculpted eyebrow in question.

"What decision? I did make it clear that I would like to know you better, didn't I? I don't state anything but fact," He deadpanned.

"Umm- Look," I sighed, "What's going on? Why are you this eager to court me?"

He was caught off guard with that question. A muscle in his jaw clenched and his hands balled into fists. I could tell he was trying hard not to show his annoyance.

He took a deep breath and said, "Kia, you're different. It's true that I can be an asshole and short tempered, but did I ever do something bad to you?" His eyes held softness as he questioned. He placed his index finger under my chin and tilted my face up. His eyes were mesmerising as ever, questioning as he searched mine for an answer.

I took a deep breath and ignored the butterflies in my stomach. I tried to escape the celestial illusion his eyes created, but they held me their prisoner. He held me as his prisoner.

"Can I give you my answer after a day or so? I won't take long, I promise." My voice was barely above a whisper as I questioned. I saw his eyes hardening.He withdrew his fingers from under my chin, leaving a blazing trail.

"Very well," he nodded, "I shall await your answer."

Just like that, he left me there, numb and too shook to say anything. Suddenly, I felt cold, without him.


"I don't know Steph," I whined, biting my nails nervously, "I haven't had any guys remotely interested in me before, let alone a relationship. What if I mess up?"

"How would you know that if you don't try?" Stephanie chastised me, crossing her arms. She sent me a glare, the one that saying 'I'm gonna kill you, if you chicken out.'

And that's what exactly I was right now, a chicken. A broiler chicken to be specific because I think I'm having a mini heart attack in my brain.

"Look," she sighed, "you like him don't you?"

"He's hot, that doesn't mean that I have to like him." I mumbled.

"Then what's bothering you?" She narrowed her eyes at me, "I swear, Kia, if you utter that you aren't worthy enough one more friggin' time, I'm gonna-"

"THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT I AM SAYING," I snapped, frustrated. I saw her flinch.

"That's what I am saying, Steph," I mumbled timidly, looking downwards. I felt guilty for snapping at her.

When she didn't say anything, I continued, "Stephanie, look at me." I gestured at myself, "Do you really think someone like Sinn would be interested in 'this'? That's ridiculous. He is insinuating that I'm different and he wants to date me. But that doesn't happen in real life!"

Okay, maybe I was exaggerating, but it was true, right? "I'm scared, Steph, I'm scared that I might get hurt again." I took a deep breath, wrapping my arms around myself, "What if this is a cruel joke he is playing? What if-"

"Shh, Kia. You talk way too much when you are overthinking." Stephanie cut my rambling off. She looked- amused?

"This is funny to you?" I sent her a death glare, "Whatever I said could be true!" I retorted.

"Yeah, that could be," she sighed, facing me in all seriousness, "Look, why don't you just give him a chance? If he messes this up, I'm gonna beat him to death, how does that sound?"

I hummed, but it was non committal. I was still unsure.

"You won't know his true self until you give him a chance. Just don't fall weak and you're good." she said with a reassuring smile. I smiled back.

It was true, though.

Sinn won't leave me alone until I accept him and he was nothing but good to me. Maybe, I could do this. I guess, I was hyperventilating.

Sighing, I picked up the phone, dialing a number I remembered by heart. My heart was beating loudly in my ribcage. The sound of the rings were nothing compared to it.

Ring.. Ring... Thud... Thud...

Someone picked it up. I held my breath. There was only silence in the other end. A moment later, the voice I knew too well rasped from the other side, "Hello?"

I took in a deep breath to calm my nerves down. My heartbeat slowed down a bit and I gulped nervously, "Sinn? It's me, Kiara. I would like to tell you my answer."

There was no going back now. This was it.

A new beginning of me.

Hey guys! I hope you are doing well..... So, it begins, the game of hearts💗. Or the game of heart breaks? You decide! This chappy is dedicated to suraiya45bithi..... 💗

Vote, comment and share if you like! I'm updating regularly because there won't be an update in a long long time. (Momma dearest threatened to take away the phone😢). Anywho, enjoy and have a great day.

Love y'all 💗💗. 😬😬

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