Today was the first day of our first semester. My dorm mate had arrived yesterday. Well, technically today- because I welcomed her at 3:00 AM.
When the loud siren like bell rang, breaking my peaceful slumber, I half expected it to be a monkey cap wearing smuggler and the other half of me expected it to be the cops. My sleepy self tried to remember all the bad deeds I have ever committed.
I opened the door holding my torn, broken and devastated umbrella in a defensive position. Every inch of me intended to beat the living light out of the person, who dared to awaken me in the middle of the night. No one messes with my sleep!
I opened the door; only to find a redhead with a puppy dog look plastered on her face, instead of a monkey cap wearing smuggler; or a scowling intimidating cop.
I was too tired to welcome her. I only mumbled an incoherent 'Hi!' and went back to my room. It was rude of me, I know.
But in my defense, I didn't get to sleep peacefully for the last 14 years in courtesy of my aunt. Not to mention the extremely soft cushions and comfortable beds of my dorm. As a result, my sleeping form was as good as a dead cow.
As I walked into the kitchen- the smell of pancakes and waffles filled my nostrils.
Good Gracious!
"Smells good, right?"
I didn't realize that I said that out loud, until the redhead spoke.
"Yup, smells divine! I'm hungry!" as if to agree with me, my stomach growled loudly on cue. My cheeks reddened in embarrassment.
The redhead burst out into a fit of laughter and turned around. Her laughter died, as she saw me and I noticed her gestures stiffening.
I sighed inwardly and mentally braced myself for the insults. Happens every damn time!
"You're...." she started.
"Yeah, yeah....I know" I waved a hand, dismissively, "I'm fat, my brows need trimming, my braces are disgusting and I look like a panda. I should hide myself in a hole and die....Did I miss something?" I used to cry every time they mocked me, but I'm so used to it right now, it doesn't even matter.
I felt a familiar lump forming in my throat. I swallowed it back. Okay, maybe it still matters, a lot. Urrgh.... I hate myself for being so weak!
"It's not...."
"You are not the only person who thinks that", I felt broken and managed a timid smile, "I understand"
My voice was cracking and I took long breaths. Everything sucked. How did I even think that a beautiful girl like her would be interested in befrending me?
"Wait- wha..." she wanted to say something but I cut her off, knowing very well what was she going to say.
"Look, I should go now" my shoulder slumped and I casted my head downwards, "I'm Kiara Haron, your new dorm mate, by the way. Have a n...."
"WAIT, WHAT?!" She yelled cutting me off.
"Huh?" I stood there, dumbfounded. Did she want me to stay?
Her cheeks were red and puffy. She looked mad. I made her mad.
"What the fuck are you talking about?!" she asked in a high tone "Who said those shit to you?!" she looked ready to kill.
"That's so mean! Whoever said those, were rude and extremely annoying!" she ranted. She was scary when she was mad. When her gaze fell on me, they softened, "Babe, you are a bit off, but you are not bad looking".
Should I take that as a compliment? That was the nicest thing I've ever heard about my looks. So, I would take it as one.
As if sensing my traumatized state- she only smirked.
"You are not bad looking, that much I can say about your face and body. But your clothes make you look worse."
I nodded in agreement.
"I think you have a nice taste. Judging from the way you have decorated the interior. And not to mention those cute little dandelions you have arranged so perfectly" the redhead complimented me again.
"Uh, thanks," I scratched my head, feeling like a stupid.
"We still don't know each other's name" she smiled extending a hand " Stephanie Elmund"
I took her hand, smiling "Kiara Senoire Haron".
She nodded "I prefer my name to be called Ellie-"
"How about 'Elm'?"I smirked evilly.
"Hey!" she whined "not fair! I thought we were friends!"
I only laughed like a maniac in response.
"I take it you've never had a friend before." she was grinning from ear to ear.
"Well, glad to be your first then" she smirked. I cringed at the double meaning. As if sensing my discomfort, she only laughed out loud. "For future reference, I am a lesbian. If you ever get worried about me groping you, just remember that I have a girlfriend back in England."
"You're British?" I asked her in wonder as she she spoke in american accent.
"Nah, I'm very much American, but my girlfriend is British. Moved there when I was 16"
"That's young." I commented, surprised.
"Yeah, now how about some peace offering waffles and pancakes? It is my way of apologizing for waking you up at three. The umbrella was very welcoming indeed, reminded me of my momma," I chuckled at that. She grinned and continued, " I'd do the same thing if someone did that to me." She spoke- chewing a mouthfuls of pancakes.
"We are good. But I sincerely warn you not to do that again." I spoke in a serious tone.
She nodded, looking equally serious. The meal was passed in silence, but it was a good silence. One that gave you a sense of safety and warmth.
I guess friendship is not that hard. One just needs to click together.
I got ready and Stephanie stopped me in the doorway, "What's with the hoodie?"
I shrugged, "Not everyone is friendly and nice around me. You can say, this is my safe cloth."
"Don't!" she raised a hand "Take it off! If you are using that to hide yourself, then don't."
"But they..."
"I'm have a black belt in karate, I also know a tad bit about krav maga; do you want me to punch the shit out of them?" she looked so proud of herself as she puffed her cheeks and squared her shoulders. I tried not to laugh.
"I wouldn't object if it was a person that mocks me," I sighed "They are just a bunch of bitchy squirrels and baboons with an IQ lower than triple digits."
"Either way, you are not wearing that shit!" she huffed "Change and wear something sophisticated. Hurry up!" she said as she pushed me back into my bedroom, "My hand is itching to punch some bitches and baboons!"
I only smiled, feeling more than okay after years.
So, there won't be any update till July 16th. Long I know! Thanks for reading! Do share your opinion on this story in the comments. If you liked this chapter, don't forget to vote and share! As I have said, English is not my first language, so there might be a lot of grammatical mistakes. Correct me if you find any! Also, Votes and comments inspire me to keep going. So please hit that star button. And comment your thoughts!
LOVE Y'ALL!💗💗My Instagram: sybah_zaman

RomanceIf people could witness the evil they harbour within their heart on the mirror instead of their appearance, they wouldn't touch another mirror for the rest of their life. *#33 in romance out of 1.46 million stories on 19th June, 2019* ______________...