21: Betrayal

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Kiara's POV:

I just couldn't concentrate.

My traitorous mind kept replaying that zesty kiss again and again. It was kind a like a bad movie reel, stuck and flashing in my mind. As a reflex action, my fingers daintily grazed my now swollen and very red lips. It was paining, but not as much as before. I didn't mind the pain, it was good pain. A sensitive kind of pain which only begets euphoria.

I was already grinning like a fool just by thinking about that sweet and sour moment.

"Yeah, yeah, I know you have never been kissed," Stephanie's irritated voice brought me out of my reverie, "But can you please stop acting like that? Honestly, it's only a kiss-"

"Ma lady," I sighed dreamily, exaggerating it in a dramatic manner, "perhaps you are forgetting that it was that one true love's kiss. That one kiss that can merger heavens, hells, earth and the worlds beyond."

She only rolled her eyes. I burst out into a fit of giggles. She assessed me for a second and then joined me soon. We were rolling on the floor as we laughed. Maybe we looked like crackheads, but who cares though?

"O-Okay, stop," Stephanie took deep breaths in order to calm herself down, "Kia, I'm proud of you. You are learning to stand up for yourself, you are expressing your feelings more and more."

I averted my gaze from her, not knowing what to say. What would I say? Would I say that I am finally starting to believe myself? Or that Sinn made me realize the significance of the word 'myself'?

A reassuring hand on my shoulder made me look up to Stephanie. She was displaying a sad smile. I returned it as I gathered my thoughts together.

With another gentle squeeze, she retrieved her hand as her demeanor changed from sad to cheerful again.

"How does a shopping sound Kiara? Are you still planning on wearing your step cousin's clothes? And the makeup stuff your lovely aunt gave you?"

I smiled sheepishly as I replied, "Shopping does sound good. To be honest, I threw their generous gifts. Shimmery glittery stuffs are just not for me."

"Let's call it a girls day then? Don't you think it'd be nice to have a change?"

I contemplated her words for a moment.

A makeover does sound good.

I detested it, but at that time it sounded appealing to me. I wanted a change for myself. I wanted to get into the shoes of those girls who kept mocking me just because I never made myself look presentable. I wanted to strip myself to perfection, so that I could at least know how would I actually look at my finest.

And I also wanted to look presentable for Sinn.

I blushed at the thought.

He was the one who comforted me. He was the one who rendered my soul naked, seeing me at my worst, yet he didn't turn his back on me. He did quite the opposite.

He found me at my most vulnerable position, but all he did was to hold my back and hold my hand. He told me he would never let go.

"Sure," I replied, "A makeover it is."

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