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Y'all this was a long time coming LOL

During my roleplays, I wanted to view all of my characters in one place instead of going into Word or Notes so I made this lolol. If any, updates might go into this chapter but I just wanted to let y'all know what was this sudden book since I haven't published anything in years. 

Feel free to leave comments on my characters, I'm super chill with all of yall who will probably read this anyways LOL. These characters are either in my 1x1 or group roleplays so some of them may seem familiar [or you're probably roleplaying with one rn!]. Also, some of my characters might share similar personalities because sometimes I want to give a new character a different backstory, looks, strengths, etc but keep a previous personality so don't worry you're not reading duplicates [I do try to make them somewhat different though]. 

I will attempt to make this as aesthetically pleasing as possible so it's not boring to read. But I'm super lazy so don't get your hopes up LOL. If yall have any tips for that, hit ya girl up in comments. 

Quick Disclaimer (this wasn't quick at all, sorry)

Some of my characters will struggle with their mental health which could include depression, anxiety, overwhelming stress, etc. By no means am I trying to romanticize these issues. Mental health is extremely important to me, and it is a topic I work on daily at my university. I will only speak to what I know and what I struggle with so I won't give my characters mental health disorders like bipolar, schizophrenia, etc because my knowledge is limited on them. My work at my university focuses on day-to-day, general mental health and the many life factors that can negatively impact one's mental health and lead to serious problems. But I also focus on the factors that positively impact one's mental health so my characters will experience those as well! 

I include mental health in my character's bio because it's realistic. Everyone struggles with their mental health whether they realize it or not, no matter how big or small the problem may seem. With that being said, I try to stray away from the super stereotypical characters people usually make when they try to portray mental health issues. People have different ways they cope with their mental health so I try my best to showcase those ways, taking inspiration from myself and those around me. Some of my characters may seem amazing with no flaws and others are clearly struggling [they're all a hot mess because same LOL], and I purposely did so because those different personalities and coping methods are true to reality. 

But yeah, just wanted to give yall a heads up so no one comes for my ass. Anywho, if yall ever need someone to talk and/or struggling, my inbox is always open! I'm always down to talk about mental health and provide the resources and information I've learned from the stuff I do at college!

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