renzo | usurper

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What was silent in the father speaks in the son, and often I found in the son the unveiled secret of the father.-Friedrich Nietzsche




Raphael's Bastard Son

||Birth name||



To the royals, his birth name is his alias because they aren't aware of his true identity. But many may call him Ren.









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[Edward Zo]

Unlike many of the servants, Renzo is one of the youngest. His baby face is still recognizable by his soft features and clear skin. But with his high cheekbones and pointed jawline, there is an air of maturity about the teen. His black brows are wildly unkept without making him look like he isn't groomed. He has warm brown eyes but in natural lighting, they look soft brown with a hint of golden tint. His facial expression typically looks intimidating yet peaceful, much like the teen. Renzo takes pride in his jet black hair, making sure to maintain his fade and line design while keeping the length of his hair on top. 

The teen is about 6'0 feet tall with a lithe and firm built. He doesn't have an abundance of muscles since he isn't a manual labor servant. But his chest and arms' muscles are toned and defined. He has a narrow and lead waist which accentuates his upper body. His thighs and calves are slender but strong. He doesn't do much to stay in shape other than working around the castle and going for scenic runs. When he has the chance, the teen also enjoys swimming in the nearby lake.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2018 ⏰

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