author's note | please read

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Hey y'all, I just wanted to go over somethings I completely forgot to mention in the intro and explain somethings about my characters that people might have questions about! 

Stealing | Please don't steal my OCs. I feel like this is common knowledge because, you know, taking someone's character without their permission isn't the kindest thing to do. When I mean steal, I mean don't copy and paste my entire, or any parts, of my OCs' forms. I spend a lot of time creating and writing up my children, they love their mama so please don't take them away her. 

By all means, be inspired/take inspiration from them because many of my characters are influenced from others but I've made them my own with how they respond to certain events, inner feelings, different mindsets, etc. When I begin releasing OCs that aren't apart of group roleplays, the same rule applies to them especially because they aren't created for a specific roleplay. Lastly, my OCs are for my personal use only so I won't give anyone permission to use them for their personal use.

Moodboards | All the moodboards are made by me. They're not the greatest so don't expect some grade A graphic designer tumblr works of art LOL. But I am proud of them so please don't steal them either. It takes a long time to make moodboards especially when it comes to finding the right pictures for the vibe. Again, feel free to take inspiration from them for your own moodboard. Or if you feel like one of my moldboards fits your character and you would like to use it, just ask! I'm more than happy to send you a copy of it as long as I'm given credit because these really did take me hours to make. I may or may not allow people to request moodboards from me so that's another option as well! Just PM about them if you have any questions!

Length | I'm just warning y'all now, these chapters are long af. I put a lot of details into my characters, and I'm always coming up with new concepts for them! I like developing my characters until I can't anymore! Some characters will be more fleshed out than others, and this is because some characters are development throughout roleplay. Development throughout  roleplay basically means the characters' other traits, flaws, strengths, etc will manifest as the roleplay changes pace. 

For example, Enzo is the main character right now who has the shortest chapter because his more aggressive side won't develop until later in the roleplay. Therefore, I decided to leave it out until I actually act it out but I still mention it. It's also not the main aspect of his personality. But anyways, if you're wondering why some characters are shorter than others, development throughout roleplay is why. 

Sexuality | If you've role-played with me for four years or four weeks, you know most of my characters are men and gay af. I rarely do heterosexual romances because back in the good ole days of roleplaying here, everyone wanted a female character with the dream boyfriend but no one wanted a male character. I took the bullet and made the male characters for people in group roleplays but owning two of out of five males in a roleplay was overwhelming so I stopped. I'm not against doing heterosexual relationships, and I will definitely do some, but my males generally have a male lean/preference now.

For the sake of certain, and probably most, group roleplays, my male characters will either be bisexual, pansexual, or demiromantic. But again, they generally have male lean/preference so keep that in mind. If I tag you for a group roleplay, don't be alarmed if the sexuality doesn't match the roleplay's role and what not. Also, please leave whatever negativity you have towards LGBTQ+ community outside of this book. 

Diversity | I'm not going to dwell on this too much because I think it's self-explanatory as well. Again, please leave any negativity you have towards marginalized groups [aka POCs/minorities] outside of this book. As a woman of color, I won't tolerate any hateful comments towards my OCs who aren't Caucasian. I make characters of all ethnicities, all I ask for is your respect. 

Roleplays | This book will mainly have OCs for group roleplays. For group roleplays, I needed a place to visit and refresh my memory of the little details of my characters without shifting through a bunch of forms. If I post a form in your roleplay book, I will have a chapter for that character in this book. Once the chapter is published, I highly recommend you use their chapter here instead of their form because it will be way more detailed here. I will try my best to mainly work from this book for now on! And I can definitely copy and paste the chapter into your form sections if you would like. 

This isn't necessarily for 1x1 roleplays but feel free to hit me up about my OCs. If I'm available to do a 1x1 with one of them, I will let you know. 

Love | Feel free to comment whatever you want and tag whoever you want in my OCs' chapters! As long as it's respectful, I'm cool with it! I don't want people to think they can't comment on the chapters because I said most of these are group roleplay related. 

I think this is all for now! If I have anymore updates, I'll probably just make another author's note chapter LOL. But here are my children! Don't hurt them or I'll hurt you :)))) [not really but I'll be pretty annoyed]

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