jax • pride | individual//seven deadly sins

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pride...is the root of almost every sins

|| Sin ||

 Pride  | As the son of pride, Jax a notorious narcissist with little to no empathy for others. He carries out his father's work in the mortal world by making people feel prideful. Of course, not just anybody is allowed this opportunity. His target must have a goal in mind, good or bad, and determined to achieve that goal regardless of the method. Jax doesn't know who or when he will stumble upon these people, but he will always show up during their most hopeless state. Making people gain confidence in themselves comes at a hefty price for whoever desires it. Everything will start out good but soon enough, it will all come crashing down. Just like signing a deal with the devil. 

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|| Birth name ||

Jackson Alejandro Fernández

|| Alias/Nickname ||


|| Species ||

Hybrid | half human - half demon

|| Age ||


|| Nationality ||

Spanish [Spain]

|| Sexuality ||


|| Family ||

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