khalid | usurper

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It is the man's own mind, not his enemy or foe, that lures him to evil ways.– Buddha





||Birth name||

Khalid [Arabic: eternal and glorious] Mahmoud









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[Toni Mahfud]

To be honest, if you looked at Khalid, you'll see why the man is so damn cocky. With his sultry dark amber eyes and a jawline carved by God himself, Khalid is very easy on the eyes. His dark brown brows are perfectly shaped to accentuate his sharp facial features. The subtle stubble adds seduction to the already flirtatious man. As if he really needed it. His beautiful caramel skin tone compliments his warm brown eyes especially with his jet black hair lazily hanging over to his right side. There is a never fading smirk on his lips, making anyone weak in the knees as he slowly pulls in his lower lip with his teeth. And of course, he'll top it all of with a wink, only leaving you wanting more. 

As a warrior, it's expected to have well built body. Khalid is no exception. He is 6'2, looming over most people. The muscles of his toned arms seem like they're flexing but it's absolutely effortless. His chest and abs are defined and firm from years of combat training and intense workout routines. He keeps his legs, especially his calves, in good condition as he is constantly improving his speed. Despite his strong frame, Khalid's body doesn't look out of place with his muscles. He is aware of his muscle mass on his body, taking his muscle to fat ratio into consideration. His body is precious merchandise, gotta make sure it's looking good. 

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