enzo | usurper

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Guilt is perhaps the most painful companion of death.– Coco Chanel




 Son of the Duke/Duchess of Zilia

 ||Birth name||











[Francis Cadieux]

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[Francis Cadieux]

Enzo is like a bottle of wine. With age, he becomes finer. His carved in cheekbones chiseled jawline with his slight stubble makes Enzo look youthful yet matured. His sky blue eyes are piercing, they can entice anyone in a simple conversation. But his dark brown eyebrows seem to always be pulled up into a simple yet intimidating arch. His stares and relaxed facial expressions seem like he knows the ups and downs of your life without a single encounter. But he smiles, oh, it's stunning, and it'll make you forget about that intense glance.

 At 6'1 with broad shoulders, the man appears more elegant than bulky. His chest and arms are beautifully defined, each muscle traceable paths. His abs are firm like steel, definitely capable of taking a few hits. A deep dip leads into his narrow waist, creating a predominate v. Years of running while he was a teenager helped develop his thighs and calves muscles. The man takes good care of his body, truly believing his body is his temple. But beneath his usual all black suits, Enzo's muscular built is subtle, almost hidden. 

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