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 I absolutely loathe this school.

It was Thursday, meaning I had only 1 free period and that too the last one.

It's recess now and I have 30 minutes to stuff my growling stomach before my math class starts. As I make my way out of the Physics lab with Tessa by my side, a big fat sack of potatoes, or so I thought it was, slammed on to my right side with so much force that I stumbled sideways and held onto Tessa's arm for support. I looked up after regaining my balance only to find out that there indeed was a fat potato sack in front of me,smirking. I balled my fists so hard, being sure that my nails left a good imprint on my palms, and prevented myself from punching this fat witch square on the face and rearrange those fake white teeth of hers.

I scowled at her taking a step forward, glaring at the one and only queen of the psychotic airheads who weighs more than a sack filled with potatoes, Kylie Shipman. Or a desperate wannabe as Tessa likes to regard her.

 I narrowed my eyes ,"Kyphosis ! I didn't know you were beginning to turn blind. Or do you have a death wish??" I growled taking a step towards her. That whipped the smirk straight off her face faster than one can cay 'YOLO'. She frowned looking clearly offended. That got me a little satisfied but the anger bubbling inside me didn't die down. I probably would've looked like a maniac right now but i was too angry to give a damn. Not that I care anyway. 

She rolled her eyes but i can easily sense her fear. She is scared of me. She and her lickspittles know better than to mess with me and my friends yet i don't know why they still bother us. Airheads as i said. That action of hers got me clenching my jaws tightly. Taking the hint, her eyes showed fear. She stepped back but looked straight at me, trying to maintain her cool in front of the crowd that has formed. Of course. She did call herself the 'Queen Bee' of the school. Lame, i know. She mumbled something I couldn't understand. "Now do you have a stick shoved down your throat ?? Can you not speak ?" I barked again, sounding very pissed. She jumped slightly due to the raise in my voice and cleared her throat saying, "Sorry, Ash. But seriously Emily pushed me playfully and I lost my balance .. and.. you know.." I scowled at her pathetic excuse of a sorry and clenched my fist taking a deep breath to calm myself. My stomach was begging for food and to me food was important than any of this. "Leave." I ordered. She didn't need to be told twice because without a second glance, she cleared off. 

I kicked a nearby locker to let my frustration out and yelled at the crowd that gathered around us. "Was a circus going on over here?! Clear off!" I barked, grabbing Tessa's hand as we continued our way to the cafeteria.

I entered the cafeteria and made a bee line for my- our- table while Tessa went to buy our lunch. I slumped onto my seat frowning and greeted everyone with a nod. "Nice show you pulled off in the hallways, Ash." Jacob said smirking. I glared at him shutting him up and the others just laughed. News sure spread faster in Eastwood High. 

Tessa came rather quick with our lunch and gave me my try which held 5 slices of cheesy pizza. I have a big appetite, guys! Chill. I'm hungry.  Soon everyone started chatting about stuff that happened in their classes. I was too exhausted to chat so I quietly gobbled down my food. After finishing my food, I whipped my mouth and licked my fingers. I leaned forward resting my head on the table. I let my eyes close and maybe I fell into unconsciousness because soon I jolted straight up once again.

Those eyes. I saw them again. Cold sweat started forming on my forehead once again and my heart was on an overdrive. With wide eyes, I took long deep breaths and tried to calm myself. I furrowed my brows in annoyance because today, this was becoming a problem. This never happened more than once before but today this is the third time. I only feel someone or should i say something watching me most of the time. No matter where I go,they always followed. But these flashes never happened. I looked up to see that this sudden act was thankfully gone unnoticed by three of my friends but Mason, Jacob and River caught it and now were looking at me with concerned filled eyes questioning me. I frowned and looked down. When I looked back up, I found them still staring. I sighed and shifted uncomfortably on my seat. I am never comfortable under anyones gaze. I deepened my frown and raised a brow at them telling them to look away. They mirrored my action making me scowl.

Seems like frowning and scowling is all I ever do now. I mouthed later to them and they nodded before turning towards Tessa who was telling something about how Ms Woody never listens to the back benchers. I rested my head on my left hand looking at the time when I started feeling uncomfortable knots in my stomach again. I knew someone was watching me.This time it was different. It was ... human... if that makes sense.

I looked up to see none of my friends had their attention on me. I then looked around the cafeteria.  To say I was surprised was an understatement when my eyes met with a pair of dark green ones. They were the most feared eyes in our school. No one dares to look directly in them in case they wet their pants. Yes! They are that intimating.

He frowned as his eyes met mine.  Anger bubbled inside me with a little embarrassment as i realized what happened. I bit the inside of my cheek to control my anger and scowled.These orbs witnessed my little freak out session.  

I met none other than Aiden Chester's gaze..

Life surely is a blueberry.


Hola !! Another update :) Hope you're liking this story of mine.

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Don't be to harsh and excuse my grammatical errors.


P.S pic of Kylie Shipman on top^

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