At the Cafe

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It was a rainy Tuesday. N was at the Cafe with her best friend Mark. Mark and N have known each other since they were little. They are really close and share almost everything with one another. However, there was nothing romantic in between them. Both of them had a loved one. Mark had his girlfriend who he had been dating for god knows how long. She happened to be N's best friend as well.

N has a boyfriend, Jimin. They had been dating for a long time, almost 4 years. They both trusted each other however, Jimin could sometimes be the jealous type. As for Mark's girlfriend, she wasn't jealous of their friendship since she and N had been best friends for like 5 years.

Back to Jimin. So he was sometimes the jealous type. He knew about N's friendship with Mark and it sometimes bothered him. Jimin knew he was the only one in N's eyes but well, who can blame him? N could be jealous at times too when some girls came too close to Jimin.

Mark and N had ordered some coffee just to stay inside from the rain. They had been in the Cafe for some time now. All they did was talking about how each other were doing, kind of. The rain got heavier. Mark looked up from his phone.

Mark: "It's a great coffee don't you think?"
N: "It is, though I just hope it will stop raining"
Mark: "Same, it's getting heavier for every second"

They continued to talk about things likes school, the weather and the coffee. Suddenly they ran out of things to talk about so Mark needed to find a new topic.

Mark: "So, how is Jimin doing?"
N: "He's doing good" she said with a smile.
Mark: "That's good, are you sure he's okay with us being together at the Cafe while the weather is this bad?"
N: "Probably, if he didn't want me to go out he would've probably told me to come home by now"
Mark: "You're right, he's a really good guy. You found the right one N" he said while giving her the look.

N didn't know what to answer so she just said "Yes" while smiling. Mark didn't know what to talk about. He had some questions in mind but he didn't know if they would be too much.

Mark: "You know, my girlfriend and I have thought about getting a child"
N: "Really!!! Oh my god, you should really get a child. It would be so cute"
Mark: "That's what we thought too. We just not sure if we are ready for a child yet"
N: "I understand, but I think you should try to get a child. Imagine how happy you're going to be when the child is born"
Mark: "Even if we decide to get a child you will still always be our child😂"

Mark and his girlfriend had a joke with N about N being their child since she is younger than the both. Mark still had those questions in mind. He decided to just go for it.

Mark: "Hey N? Can I ask you something?"
N: "Of course Mark, what is it"
Mark: "So you and Jimin have been together for a long time now...."

N knew something was coming. She got a little closer since she didn't want to miss a word.

Mark: "....and I just thought about something"
N: "And what is that?"
Mark: "How close are you two in your relationship?"
N: "What do you mean?" she said confused.

Mark took a deep breath before asking the question he is about to ask.

Mark: "Have him and you ever, you know...."
N: "What?" she said fast.
Mark: "Have him and you 'done it' since that party?" he said feeling shy.

The first time N and Jimin had s*x was at a party one of Marks friends hosted. Jimin got really drunk and after that he became really horny which then lead to him and N having s*x. They had only started dating 5 weeks ago at that time. Of course N told Mark about what happened since they were best friends even at that time. Luckily Mark was a good listener and supported her when she needed it.

N: "Why... why are you asking?" she said looking down with red cheeks.
Mark: "You haven't told me about your relationship for so long, I'm just curious"
N: "Promise not to tell anyone?"
Mark: "Of course, we are best friends after all"
N: "Well... yes we have" she said avoiding eye contact.
Mark: "Really?? I'm really happy for you, you've grown so much" he said, getting emotional.
Mark: "Why haven't you told me about it?😉"
N: "I don't know actually, do you want to know a secret?" she said, not sure if she should admit it.
Mark: "Sure, what is it?"
N: "Well, we've done it so many times I didn't feel the need to tell you"

Mark felt weird about what she just said. His best friend had grown so much and he couldn't believe she had done something like that multiple times. Just the thought scared him. He had seen N grow up and this was too much for him to handle.

Mark: "Really? That's actually amazing. I'm glad you found someone you love"
N: "I'm glad I met Jimin too"

Mark suddenly became worried about his childhood friend. What if she becomes pregnant soon. She and Jimin already live together so it could possibly happen. Even though he thought about getting a child himself he wasn't ready for N to get one.

Mark: "N? Please listen to me when I say this"
N: "Of course" she said forgetting about how embarrassed she was before.
Mark: "Please don't forget to use protection"

N started laughing at how serious Mark was being. She couldn't take him seriously right now.

N: "Don't worry Mark, it's not like I'll get pregnant any time soon" she said still laughing.
Mark: "You never know though, just be careful. You're still young and as your best friend I want to protect you the best I can"

His words made N blush. He was really caring towards her as if she was his little sister.

Mark: "Have you and Jimin ever thought about getting a baby?" he asked with a serious tone.
N: "We have talked about it before some time ago, but it wasn't that serious, why? Do you want us to get a baby?"
Mark: "I'm just asking, not because I want you to become a mother. But do you want to get a child with him?"
N: "Is this some kind of interview?" she said laughing out loud.
N: "I'm gonna be honest with you Mark. I think having a child would require a lot of effort. But with that being said I honestly do want a child with him. Like soon. It would be so amazing"

Mark was a little shocked at her answer. Even though he was happy for her he still couldn't believe the girl from his childhood was talking about wanting to get pregnant.

Mark: "Do you think he feels the same way?"
N: "I hope he does"
Mark: "Are you planning on asking him if he wants a baby?"
N: "Well, now I am. I think we are both ready"

As she said that the rain got lighter. This was their change to get home without getting wet. They hurried to clean their table and stood up. Mark and N walked towards the door. Mark had his own car, which was how was going to get home. N was going to walk since she didn't own a car yet. She would normally take the bus but today out of all days the busses were canceled due to work on the roads. N was about to go when Mark stopped her.

Mark: "Are you really gonna walk your way home in this weather when I can drive you?"
N: "It's okay Mark, it's not raining that much anyway"

Just as she said that, the rain got really heavy. So heavy that even thunder started coming. Mark looked at her worried.

Mark: "Not raining that much?"
N: "Mark I'm fine, you don't have to drive me home"
Mark: "I don't care what you say, you're not walking home alone in this weather. I'll drive you no matter what you say"

N sighed and followed Mark to his car.

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