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N headed to work. She tried to focus on other things than Jimin but she couldn't stop thinking about him. She didn't want to leave him but she had to. He had to leave for work with BTS anyways. As N arrived to her working place one of her coworkers called Jennie came towards her.

Jennie: "N? What are you doing here?"
N: "What do you mean Jennie? I work here"
Jennie: "No I mean, what are you doing here on our day off?"
N: "Day off?"
Jennie: "Didn't you get the message? Work is canceled today"
N: "Really?"
Jennie: "Yes! I was thinking about going to the shopping mall, since we don't have work. Do you want to come with me?"

N didn't know if she should say yes or no. She actually thought about going back home to Jimin but she then remembered that Jimin had probably already left. Besides that, she and Jennie hadn't been out together for some time. N needed to get her mind another place so she decided to say yes.

The two girls headed to the shopping mall. On their way they talked about their love lives. Jennie told N about how she just broke up with her boyfriend.

N: "You broke up with hime??? Why, oh my god what happened?"
Jennie: "Don't tell anyone but, he cheated on me" she said while lowering her voice.
N: "No way! What an a**hole"
Jennie: "I can't believe I actually trusted him. The worst thing is that he thinks I'll take him back. Like he just cheated on me, who does he think I am?"
N: "He's not worth your time. I hope he never finds love again"
Jennie: "Even if he does, that love isn't going to be real. What if he cheats on someone else like he cheated on me?"
N: "Stop thinking about him Jennie, he's not worth your time. The fact that he cheated on you is his loss. You deserve so much better than him"
Jennie: "Thank you so much N"

Suddenly Jennie's phone rang. It was her mother who told her to come to her mothers house for some kind of family dinner. Of course Jennie couldn't pass that so she walked away leaving N alone. Mark was in the same shopping mall to buy a gift for his girlfriend since something great had happened. N and Mark saw each other and Mark walked towards N.

Mark: "What are you doing here, don't you have work?" he asked jokingly.
N: "Work was canceled so my friend and I went here but she just left due to something family related"
Mark: "That makes sense. How was yesterday? Did anything happen?"
N: "Was anything supposed to happen or..?"
Mark: "I mean after you got home, did you ask Jimin?"
N: "Ask Jimin about what?"
Mark: "About getting a child of course, how could you forget"
N: "Oh..yes, about that..."
Mark: "You didn't ask did you?"
N: "No I didn't. He was really tired so I didn't think now was the time to ask him" she said obviously lying to Mark.

Mark however, knew N. He could tell she was lying.

Mark: "How about, you didn't ask him because he was mad at you for letting me drive you home"
N: "What the, how did you know?"
Mark: "Because I'm a guy too, I would've acted the same way if someone drove my girlfriend home to be honest"

N sighted and Mark continued to talk.

Mark: "Did you two work things out? I hope you did"
N: "Yes we did, I'm glad he understood that he is the one I love"
Mark: "How cute" he said teasing her.
N: "Stop" she said laughing.
Mark: "By the way, talking about love, something amazing happened"
N: "What?"
Mark: "Remember I told you that my girlfriend and I were trying to get a child? Well it turns out that my girlfriend is pregnant"
N: "Oh my god, really?! Congratulations!!"
Mark: "Thank you so much, it really means a lot"

Time passed and they both started to walked towards the exit of the shopping mall. They said goodbye and went different ways. N didn't want Mark to drive her since she was afraid Jimin would get jealous again.

It was only 16:07 when N got home. Jimin was already home since the boys (BTS) didn't have much to do for today. She got inside and took of her jacket and shoes. As she walked further into the house Jimin came and kissed her. The kiss felt amazing. After that they both went into the living room.

Jimin: "How was work babygirl?" (A:😉)
N: "Actually, work was canceled today. I didn't know it but Jennie told me"

Jimin knew Jennie since N and Jennie were not only each others coworkers but also each others best friends. Even though Jimin and Jennie had only met a few times they still knew each other quite well.

N: "Jennie then asked me if I would like to go shopping with her, that's why I didn't get home earlier" she said to clarify that she had been with her girl friend and not some guy. Since Jimin got mad at her yesterday she thought it would be a good idea to tell him too.

N: "By the way, Jennie told me something terrible that happened"
Jimin: "What did she tell you?" he said with the softest voice ever. N loved when he talked to her like that.
N: "Her boyfriend...he cheated on her"
Jimin: "No way, really?"
N: "I was shocked too, he was really nice towards Jennie. I never was that one coming"
Jimin: "What a jerk"
N: "I know right, she deserves so much better than that"

After that, N remembered that Mark told her he got his girlfriend pregnant. She wanted to tell Jimin since it would probably calm him even more knowing that Mark had a child, since if he had kids he probably wouldn't want to take N away from Jimin. (Mark didn't try to take N away from Jimin, but that's what Jimin felt. Mark loves his girlfriend very very much)

N: "Jimin?"
Jimin: "Yes?"
N: "While Jennie and I were out shopping we met Mark"
Jimin: " did?"
N: "Yes I did, and he told me something I want you to know as well"
Jimin: "What did he tell you?"
N: "Do you remember I told you that he has a girlfriend? Well, she is now pregnant"
Jimin: "Really? Congratulations to them" he said sounding emotionless as if he had something in mind.
Jimin: "You should get pregnant too.."
N: "W...what?"
Jimin: "I said, you should get pregnant too"
N: "I heard that...but, are you saying you want to have kids?"
Jimin: "Yes I am. I want to get you pregnant"

Her mind stopped for a minute. He was actually saying this. He wanted to get her pregnant. He wanted to have a child with her. This was actually happening. She wanted it too, she just didn't know what to answer.

N: " you want to do that now...?" Jimin laughed at how nervous N had become. He found it really cute.
Jimin: "It doesn't have to be right now haha, I'll give you time to think about it first"
N: "O...okay" she said, suddenly becoming nervous.

Jimin suddenly stood up and smiled at N while walking upstairs. N stayed downstairs still thinking about what Jimin just said. (A: I'm fangirling!!!!!! My ship is having a baby!!!!!)

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