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Thursday morning was quick to leave the house. Today she wasn't actually leaving for work but to meet someone. However, she didn't tell Jimin about that. N kept thinking about what Jimin said yesterday. Thoughts came to her mind, good and bad ones. He wants to have a baby with me, he wants us to be parents together, what if he actually doesn't want to have a baby and he's only saying. Am I even ready, is he even ready. What about his career?

N knew Mark didn't work so she rushed to his house. She knocked on the door and Mark opened.

N: "Mark!!! Oh my god, I need your help!!"
Mark: "Wow what's up?" he asked with wide eyesight.
N: "So yesterday Jimin and I were...."
Mark: "Wait, come inside first" he said leading her into the living room.

Mark got some milk and cookies for himself to chew on while listening to N brambling about something with Jimin.

Mark: "Okay so what happened yesterday?"
N: "Okay so Jimin..."
Mark: "WAIT! Let me guess, you came home and he became mad at you because we hang out but you somehow managed to seduce him and you ended up doing 'it' so now you need my help with some shit I don't know yet"
N: "What? No, where did that even come from?"
Mark: "I have my thoughts okay!"

They both laughed and Mark sipped some of his iced coffee that he somehow had in his hand (?)

Mark: "Then, what happened? Don't tell me he cheated on you, or no wait don't tell me you didn't use protection"
N: "Mark! If you would just let me explain, thank you"

Mark looked (Jung)shook at her. She just snapped on him.

Mark: "Okay okay"
N: "So when I got home he asked me how work was and stuff, and so I told him about a friend of mine who was just cheated on by her now ex boyfriend"
Mark: "What does this have to do with something I need to advice you in?"
N: "Wait listen, so we talked and stuff and you know how he was mad at me on Tuesday right"
Mark: "Yes, he was jealous of me, which he shouldn't be because you're a loyal girl"
N: "Yeah, thank you. But then I told him I met you in the shopping mall and that your girlfriend is now pregnant"
Mark: "Good, shout it to the world. I mean I get why you would tell him, so he knows I have a child which means that I wouldn't try to take you from him"
N: "What...try to take me from him?"
Mark: "That's what he thinks I'm doing. That's why he doesn't like us hanging out. Trust me, I'm a guy too, I know about all that shit"
N: "Really...? That's what he thinks? That you will try to take me from him?"
Mark: "Yes, but tell me, what happened next??"
N: "Right so I told him your girlfriend is pregnant so he said that I should get pregnant too and I was like what..."
Mark: "REALLY? He said that!! Congratulations! Are you pregnant right now?"
N: "Mark! Listen, He told me he wants to get me pregnant and I then asked him..."
Mark: "Right at the moment? That was smooth I must say"
N: "Shut up and listen. I asked him if he meant like right now, right know, and he told me he would give me time to think and I don't know what to do Mark!!! I need your help!!"

Mark was shook. He sipped his tea and put it on the table. He then crossed his legs to make his appearance more classy and professional.

Mark: "No way! He wants to get you pregnant holy shit. You are my child and now you're getting your own" (A: joke that only N gets)
N: "What do you think I should do Mark? I need advice"
Mark: "Well honestly, I think you should've acted yesterday. You should've been like, what if I don't need time to think about it or you could've just been honest and said that you want to get a child too. I mean what if he gets the wrong idea and thinks that you don't want it"
N: "No don't say that, that's not what I need to hear"
Mark: "You wasted your chance, you could've just f*cked him yesterday but no, you absolutely need your time to think"
N: "He gave me time, I didn't ask for it!"
Mark: "Then you should've said you didn't need that time"
N: "Do you know how nervous I was. I felt like I couldn't say anything, all I managed to ask was if he meant like you know, doing it right now or what"
Mark: "I can imagine" he said laughing at himself.
N: "Mark, you're not helping me!"
Mark: "Okay first, relax. And second, you shouldn't be nervous about the thought or else you will be even more nervous when you're actually doing it. Third, again don't be nervous, he is your boyfriend after all and I'm sure he will take care of you😉. Fourth, honestly just tell him, I mean he told you what he wanted then you should tell him too. Was that enough advice?"
N: "See that's what I meant by help. Thank you Mark"
Mark: "I believe in you, you'll be a great mother and Jimin a great father"
N: "Thank you so much"
Mark: "I have one more advice for you. Do it now. Go home and tell him now"
N: "If just he didn't work so late, I'm feeling ready now but what if I lose confidence when he gets home?"
Mark: "Don't worry you can do it, it's just like you're having s*x but this time you're doing it not to feel good but because you want a baby"

As he had given his preach, N got up and got ready to leave.

Mark: "Good luck, tell me about it tomorrow"
N: "Of course, thank you!!"

With that said she left Mark's house ready to face Jimin.

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