The next day

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They both woke up at the same time. N was in Jimin's arms. They laid like that for a long time until they remembered it was Friday. N tried to get up from Jimin since she had to go to work.

N: "Jimin, I need to go to work" she said as she was about to give up trying to get away since Jimin wouldn't let her go.
Jimin: "You're not going anywhere"
N: "But Jimin... they will fire me if I don't show up at 8:00"
Jimin: "Then tell them you are sick" he said not wanting to let her go.
N: "I just can't...if my boss finds out I'm lying he will fire me" N said hoping Jimin would let go of her.
Jimin: "You don't even like the job anyways"
N: "Yes I do Jimin"
Jimin: "No you don't, the only reason you like it is because your friends are also working there"

N didn't know what to say since Jimin was right. She hated the job more than anything. The boss was the worst boss anyone could ever have. But her friends worked there, she liked having someone to talk to during their small breaks.

N: "I just don't want to disappoint my boss"
Jimin: "Look, you're putting so much effort into something that really isn't worth your time. I'm sure you can find a job that will treat you much better than this one. It's not doing anything good for you, it's only stressing you. You deserve a job much better than this"
N: "Jimin..."
Jimin: "Well if you want to go then okay, I'll let you"
N: "Jimin, I..."
Jimin: "It's okay, if you really want to keep working there then just do it, I'm not going to stop you"
N: "No...I want to stay with you but I'm just scared"
Jimin: "What are you scared of beautiful?" he said as he pulled her closer so she knew she was safe.
N: "My boss. If he finds out that I'm not really sick his going to do terrible things to not only me but my coworkers as well.."
Jimin: "What terrible things could he possibly do to you and your coworkers?"
N: "I remember three times were my coworker Jisoo had called sick but she was spotted in the shoe shop. My boss hates it when we lie to him so he would hit us. And for Jisoo, he would make her pay for being 'fake sick'. I'm just afraid that if I'm caught my coworkers will get hit. I hurts really really much so I wouldn't want that for them"

Jimin was quite shocked about her story. He had no idea that his girlfriend was working at such a bad place like this. It made him really mad but he tried to hide it.

Jimin: "Is that true? Do your boss hit you?"
N: "Yes.."
Jimin: "That's it, you're not going to be working there anymore"
N: "Jimin, I can't just stop"
Jimin: "Yes you can, I don't want you to work at a place were you are being hit and treated like that. I can't let you do that to yourself"
N: "It's just, if he hits us for not coming to work I can't imagine what he will do to us if we stop"
Jimin: "Listen, I'm not letting that man get near you ever again. There's no need to be afraid. Just please stop working there and stay here with me instead"
N: "Okay...If you don't want me to work at that place I guess I can stop"
Jimin: "Why haven't you told me about this earlier?"
N: "I didn't want you to worry about me"
Jimin: "Jagi...can you please promise me something?"
N: "What is it?"
Jimin: "Please tell me if anyone ever hurts you"
N: "I promise to tell you from now on"

Jimin smiled as he patted her head. He then kissed her forehead.

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