chp. 10: ice princes and creams.

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"Kris?" I yelled, coming out of the bookstore. I went in and out of some stores, getting a bit frantic. What if he's lost? He told me he didn't know this place too well. Fear rose in my chest as I walked back the way we came, yelling his name. I realized I was drawing a lot of attention to myself and stuck to just looking for him. That's when I finally saw him, at an ice cream stand, calmy buying two cones.

I am going to kill him.

"Thank you, have a great day!" Kris said as he flashed his angelic smile to the ice cream lady, who looked like she was gonna faint. He took both cones and turned to see me and started walking towards me, grinning from ear to ear.

"I'm gonna break every teeth in your mouth, let's see if you're still grinning." I muttered to myself as I walked up to him and reached to pull his ear, tugging his head down to my eye level. "YAH!" I screamed in his ear, "DON'T YOU EVER DO THAT TO ME AGAIN, PABO!!"


Satisfied, I let go of his now red ear. I took a cone from his grasp, Kris rubbing his ears with a scowl on his face.

"Aissh, so violent." He muttered, oblivious to my canine sense of hearing. I punched him in the arm,  resulting in another mutter, something about aggressive woman. I led him to a nearby park and sat on a bench, Kris micmicking my moves. When I took a lick of my cone, he did so too. When I kicked at the well kept grass, he kicked at it too. When I smacked his arm, he smacked mine too, but softly. He took off his sunglasses since no one was nearby, flashing me that angelic smile.

I smiled like an idiot, feeling really happy, having a sense of relief for the first time. I admired the beautiful flowers and trees surrounding us, bright colors flashing wherever I turned my attention to.

"You look pretty when you smile." Kris said as he stared at me. Why did he have to be so blunt?! I told my mind to calm itself.

"Thank you." I said, accepting the compliment for once. It was odd. Jang Mi, a poor delivery girl/waitress/maid was smiling and eating ice cream with the famous K-pop idol Kris. No matter how you look at it, it was unbelievable. And the surprising matter was that he was being nice to me.

"Yah," I said looking up at his warm eyes, "why are you so nice to me now? You were so rude the first time we met."

Kris laughed. "Sorry, I really didn't mean to be mean."

"Are you sure? Aren't you always rude, barely smiling? Aren't you like the Ice Prince or something? Known for your coldness or some crap like that?"

Kris's eyes widened. "Wow, did you search me up or something?"

I was embarrassed to admit it, but hey, I have a right, there's nothing wrong with that! "Yeah, I did." I gave a little "Hmmph" too for emphasis.

Kris looked amused as he lowered his cone and asked me, "And? What did you see?"

"Well-I uh watched some videos and you always looked unhappy, smiling maybe once. And...err I searched up Kris memes and you're always saying rude things and...stuff." Wow, way to go Jang Mi. I mentally slapped myself a billion times.

"You searched up Kris memes?" He looked up at the sky and laughed.

"What, they sounded like things you would say based on your personality! But..."

Kris returndd his attention to me, his eyes locked on mine. "But?"

"But...when you're with me, you're so nice and cheerful, and you're always smiling. Even though you say stupid things at times, you don't say anything with a cold heart. It's like you have two personalities." Which is the real one? I asked myself, not wanting to say that part aloud. I searched his eyes to find an answer, because I was dying of curiosity. Maybe I was stupid to search this guy up.

"You're right," Kris said, surprising me, "for my job, I act that way. I kinda stuck with the Ice Prince, and even though I wasn't the most friendliest child, it's not like I liked being mean," before I can interrupt him, he continues, "and then suddenly when I came into the industry, I was surrounded by so many people, yelling out my name, saying they love me when they don't even know me, putting me up on this high pedestal that I never asked for, and I felt a lot of pressure. It was a first because so many people had looked down on me and I always felt worthless, and now so many strangers were so nice to me. I guess to please them I did whatever I could whenever I could, acting the role they gave me, pushing myself to the limit and exhausting myself, being this type of person all the time. I was sick and tired of it. I wanted to stop acting cold and rude all the time, and just act freely, not having to worry about my actions being on the top news headlines. And then I met you," He pasued and smiled, looking over at me,"You obviously weren't like any other girl I've ever met. You're the first girl that's been rude to me and so disrespectful. You didn't care if I was an idol, you-you treated me like a normal person. I didn't have to act around you, I could say whatever I wanted, even though you punched me, I felt free around you. You never treated me like I was better, but you treated me like an equal. You're the first girl that pointed out my flaws and wasn't afraid to. You're the first girl that actually abused me multiple times. And you're the first girl who's been able to make me truly smile."

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