ch.p 7: prince charmings and ugly chipmunks.

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"Can...can you eat with me?"

I think my heart melted a bit with those soft words. Did I even hear a bit desperation in his voice? I didn't see any harm in it, and my stomach was declaring war on me.

"Ssuuuuuure." I said cautiously as I walked towards the table. I was going to sit in the farthest chair away from him, but Kris pulled out the chair right next to him. I rolled my eyes and sat where Prince Charming so desired. Before I could say anything, Kris filled my plate with ramen, oh, and also his vegetables that he finds so repulsive. He smiled at me and I couldn't help but stare at him. He really did look like a Prince Charming, with beautiful warm eyes, and a chiseld face. His face was so symmetrical. His hair was a light brown, covering his eyes. It looked so soft, I had this strange desire to touch it. Psh, not that I ever would touch that jerk's hair-

"Thank you." Kris said as he elegantly wiped his mouth. I snapped back into reality, shaking my head from those crazy thoughts.

"'re welcome?" I looked to his plate, surpised to see it wiped clean. What the heck, was he some sort of vaccum?! Or was I staring at him for that long?!

"Yah, eat. You didn't even touch your food yet!"

I didn't bother responding as I started eating, aware that he was watching my every move.

"Uhm, can you not watch me while I'm eating? It's...kinda creepy."

"Oh, sure." He said, still staring at me. I throw my hands up in tbe air and finish the ramen, thankful that I was hungry and was able to finish fast. His eyes followed me as I got up and washed both plates. I wiped my hands and got the mop and the cleaning supplies from the garage. Kris got up and gave me one more look before going into his bedroom. I raise my eyebrows and started mopping the kitchen.

A few minutes later, Kris's head pops up from across the bedroom door.

"Yah, I forgot to ask! What's your name?"

I smirk. "Bob!" I call back.


I laugh to myself. "Jang Mi."

Satisfied, he says, "Goodnight Jang Mi!" and goes back into his room. I stand there, looking a bit confused, but I return working on cleaning his house as fast as I can. I glance at my watch. Crap, it's almost time to pick up Hyun woo amd Soo hyun! I turn Super Saiyaan and mop every single room in his house, more of a challenge to myself than anything, lock the door and bolt out, pedaling on my bike to the DayCare. If I don't see my siblings there, then I promised myself I will kill that stupid woman.

"Noona!" Hyun woo yelled as he jumped onto my bike.

"Thank you Teacher!" I said I picked up Soo Hyun.

"Be safe!" She smiled and walked to her own car.

As soon we we got home, I kicked off everything and lied down. Soo hyun following my steps.

"Noona, are you really tired?" Hyun woo asked at my feet.

"Yah, I'm not tired, I just really need my beauty sleep today."

Hyun wooo laughed as he pulled the covers up to his chin. "Noona, no matter how much you sleep, you'll still be an ugly chipmunk." He squealed as I tickled him, he knew it was coming. I laughed as I held him close to me, and closed my eyes. As soon as I closed them, his face came. WHAT. IN. THE. WORLD. Ew, why would I be thinking about him at this hour? I toss and turn, but his face was persistent.

"Jeez." I sighed, not realizing what my heart was up to.

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