chp. 5: big suit people.

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I pedal as hard as I can, anger fueling inside of me. The nerve of that guy! Even though maids usually are told what to do, I've never been treated that way before! All the granmas and granpas treated me with kindness, and I was only happy to help them. But Kris, he was something different. I mean, I get it, maybe he was having a bad day, but it doesn't mean he has to take it out on me! And giving me sucha huge room! What, does he expect I'll actually sleep at his house? There's no way I'll ever sleep there when my poor brother and sister have to sleep on the hard, wooden floor every night. Rich people just don't understand that. They take their money and "generosity" for granted, not even understanding that we people also have pride. 

My mind replays the scene from before over and over again as I pedal down the hill. His face after I screamed at him, he genuinely looked confused. Maybe I was a bit too harsh? No, Jang Mi, get a grip, you said what you needed to say.

Reassuring myself, I reach the school and park my bicycle in it's regular spot and lock it.

What the heck, why are the lights out? I ask myself as I walk to the door. I peer through and it's pitch dark, no one inside. My heart pounding, I fumble for my phone in my purse and call up the teacher in charge of the day care.

"Hi, I called to ask where Hyun woo and Soo hyun are? I'm their sister.Their not here..." I tried to control my voice as it started rising. "What?! Someone took them saying they were the guardians?! " I couldn't believe what I was hearing. My vision goes blurry as I dash to my bicycle and desperately try to unlock it, my hands trembling with fear. I pray the whole ride home, praying to God that they'll be at home, safely sitting there waiting for me.

As I reach the apartment building, I throw my bike down, not even bothering to lock it and run up the flight of staris, not having the patience to ride up the elevator. I type in the passcode and slam the door open. "Hyun woo! Soo hyun!" I scream, turning the light switch on and light suddenly floods the small room.

And there they both are, Hyun woo's arms wrapped protectively around Soo hyun, their eyes filled with fear.

"Noona! Eonni!" They both scream as they run to me and hug me. I hug them back, relief flooding over me. Then realization as to what happened.

"Hyun woo, who took you home?"

"Noona, I'm scared..." He said and he started to cry.

"Hyun woo, look at me. Did they do anything to you? Tell me what happened!" Hyun woo sniffs through his tears, snot running down his nose. As I wipe it off him, he tells me.

"Soo hyun and I were waiting for you to come, and then these scary people in big black suits came." I nod, urging him to go on. He looks a bit embarrased now.

"They said that they'll buy us ice we went with them."

I explode. "Are you kidding me Hyun woo?! Didn't I tell you not to talk to strangers, are you an idiot?! Do you know what could have happened to you?!"

Hyun woo starts crying again and through his sobs he says, "Tha-that's because we didn't eat anything! You forgot to make us food in the morning, and me and Soo hyun were hungry the whole day! And-and the ahjusshis said they would give us meat and ice cream  and then take us home!"

My heart sinks as I go back to this morning. I remeber making omelette, but never actually giving it to them, since I was hurrying. "Oh my God. Soo hyun, you guys didn't eat anything at all?"

She nods her head no. "My tummy was hurting the whole time, but I was strong and didn't tell the teacher. But Eonni, the suit people gave us really good meat and I ate lotsa ice cream, so I'm full!" She burps and falls onto my lap, sleeping. Hyun woo gets up and brings out our blanket, along with an envelope.

"Hyun woo, what's that?" I said, reaching for the mysterious item.

"The ahjusshis gave it to me and told me to give it to you, Noona."

"Okay, thanks. Now go to sleep. Tomorrow we go to Mihi Noona's house, remember? You get to see Jackey!"

Hyu woo's eyes brighten up. "That's my favorite dog!" He smiles and goes to sleep next to Soo hyun.

My eyes linger at the two before I tear open the envelope. There's only a sheet of paper inside, but my eyes grow wide as I scan it, rereading it over and over again.

You thought I forgot about you, Jang Mi? You thought wrong. The money will be given to me at the end of this month, at the place you know. Otherwise, I'll have to take a few precious things away from you. By the way, your siblings are so wonderful.

I rip the note to shreds, my anger mixing in with my tears. I knew it was him, that horrible man. How dare he threaten me that he'll take Hyun woo and Soo hyun away? This place isn't safe, he knows where we live. I try to think up a plan, but nothing comes to mind. How the heck will I get more money? Then his face comes into mind. Kris. No, no way will I ever go back to that jerk.

I feel a hand pulling me, Hyun woo, wanting me to sleep by him.

"I'm right here." I said, going through his hair. I close my eyes, realizing that even if Kris was a jerk, he had the money I needed. I had to protect my brother and sister, no matter what.

As I close my eyes, I hold Hyun woo and Soo hyun's hands, giving them a bit more warmth under our flimsy blanket.

"I'm sorry you guys. I'm sorry for being the worst big sister."

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