chp. 9: awkward, rusty bicycles.

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"Let go of me." I said through gritted teeth.

Kris let go and put his hands in his pockets, trying to act all cool. " about that."

"As long as you know." The awkward atmosphere was still in the air and I couldn't stop fidgeting with my shirt in my hands, his touch still lingering.

"I thought, maybe instead of cleaning today, can take me somewhere...?" He asked it like a question, unsure of my response.

"Take you where?" I said, eyebrows raised.

"Yah, raise those brows any higher and they'll fly away!"

"Ha ha."

"Ahem. Okay then, well you know, just to see places, I'm not too familiar with this place. And I hate staying inside all day," Kris looked at me nervously before clearing his throat again, "that is, if you want. You'll still get your usual pay." He added, obvious that it would play a big role in helping me decide.

I thought it over. It did sound better than cleaning, and I could use a bit of free time. Besides, I'm also getting paid!

"Fine. I'll show you around." I said, putting the broom back in its place. Kris smiled as I followed him outside.

"Wait, just one second Jang Mi." Kris went back into the house to get something. I entertained myself by kicking rocks all over the place, later realizing that if I mess up his house, I'm the one that has to clean it anyway. With a frustrated look on my face, I kick the rocks into some nearby bushes. Aftr the last rock, I look up in time to see Kris coming out and locking the door behind him.

"Do you really think no one's gonna notice you in that getup?" I said, eyeing him up and down. He changed into a plain, black hoodie and blue jeans with black converse, sunglasses and a black hat. How the heck did he still manage to look attractive in casual

clothes? He really was an idol. I looked down at my clothes, a worn baseball tee and blue skinny jeans I've had since 10th grade, and my happiness level drops immensely.

"Nope, I look just like the guy next door!" He said, obviously feeling somewhat accomplished.

"If you say so." I get on my bicycle. I look at him. waiting for him to get his tranportation, but he just stands there, staring at me.

"Where is your bicycle?"

"Uhhh...I don't have one." I mentally smack my forehead. Duh, he's an idol, why would they have bicycles?!

"Okaaay, where's your car?"

"In the garage."

"What the heck is it doing there?"

"...what is it supposed to be doing?"


" manager has the keys." Now I physically smack my forehead. Obviously there was only one way left.

"Get on my bicycle." Kris agreed joyfully and sat behind me. There really wasn't a lot of space, and I tried to move myself as far away from him as possible. "Okay, uh, we good? I don't have helmets or anything, so if you break your heard into millions if pieces, consider yourself warned."

As I started pedaling down the hill, Kris wraps his arms around my waist. I immediately screech to a halt and turn around, our faces just inches apart.

"Just what in the WORLD do you think you're doing?!" I scream, my face turning a bit red.

"I-woman, you told me I might fall, and I have no helmet either, so I'm just...holding you, for support!"

"I...NO! Put your hands behind the seat, there's a thing for you to hold on to!"

"Aw, but Jang Mi, this is extremely uncomfortable!"

"SHADDUP! Stop whining!" I start pedaling again, my insides going crazy. Deep breaths, Jang Mi, deep breaths.

We finally come down the hill and I go towards the city, the busy city filled with various aromas, cars honking here and there, and several shops lined up on either side of the street. I smoothly ride through the paved road and finally park my bike at an alley behind a fancy restaurant.

"See?" I pointed to Kris once we both got out, "If you park your bicycle near rich establishments, no one would ever steal it, since the rich think my bike is a rusty, crappy transportation vehicle."

"Uhm, Jang Mi, it is a rusty, crappy tranportation vehicle." Kris pointed out ever so kindly. I kick him in the shin as thanks and walk towards the little shops.

"Oww," Kris cried, jogging to catch up to me, "why are you so violent?"

I turn my head, and look up at him, "Why are you so-"

"Hot?" Kris said, cutting me off.

"More like stupid, obnoxious, rude, spoiled, stupid, dumb, and did I say stupid?"

"Yah! Do you know how many girls are in love with me?!" Kris said, pretending as if he was hurt.

"Are you sure their girls? Maybe their just guys acting like girls and waiting to profess their gay love for you." I chuckle at the thought, Kris thinking intently about my theory. As we walk past shops, I spot the most gorgeous bow in the window of a cute shop. It was light pink with white lace decorating it. Even though I never considered myself girly, that bow looked so adorable. I stopped and stared for half a second, looked at the price, and immediately turned away. I walked into the local book store and browsed through the cookbooks section, trying to memorize some good recipes for Hyun woo and Soo hyun. Only after turning a few pages did I realize that Kris was not by my side.


Hi guys, hope you are all having an awesome day! If you guys have any questions about with you, feel free to comment and ask, I don't bite! Well, I do bite chinese food and cake, but let's just hope you guys aren't either of the two. ;)

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