chp. 17: pedo marriages.

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"Isn't Oppa gonna come in?" Soo hyun asked.

"What the hell, Soo hyun, he's not your Oppa. YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW HIM!"

"Yeah he is," Soo hyun blew a darn raspberry at me, "I've fallen for him."And with that, she dropped to the already made blankets on the floor and pretended to sleep.

" wanna marry him Soo hyun?" I asked, curious as to where her imagination was.

Not surprisingly, she sat upright as if she was possessed and looked faraway with a dreamy look, "I'm gonna marry him on the beach and have seven kids!"

I choked on my spit. WHAT IN TARNATION. Clearly she was blinded by his outward appearance. Hyun woo was gagging at the thought. There was no arguing with her or giving her any sisterly advice. One look at her eyes, and I could see that she was determined to marry Kris. Oh dear, this was not going to end well.

As I lay on my blanket, going through Hyun woo's hair, I wondered about my attitude towards Kris. I was being a bit too harsh. Maybe he really was just worrying about me. But no guy has ever worried about me since...I turned away at the thought. I should probably apologize to him tomorrow.


I woke up to the sound of the alarm and instead of throwing it across the room, I willed myself to get up for my morning deliveries. I walked outside and then mentally punched myself. I forgot my bike at Kris's house. How the heck was I gonna get the milk and deliver it?

"Looking for this?"

I whip my head around to see Kris, riding towards me with my bike.

I KNOW I KNOW, REALLY SHORT CHAPTER I'M SORRY! I BARELY HAD TIME TODAY! I hope everyone's day was good! I think I should do a QOTD segment, so here goes! To start off, since it's appropriate,  whose personality do you like the most in Exo?


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