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Day 4: Bike Ride
Klance High School AU
Approximately 1740 words
Warnings: None

Lance was walking the winding roads of his suburban neighborhood on his way home from swim practice. It was a warm, sunny, Wednesday afternoon, not a cloud in the sky. The air smelled like freshly cut grass and citrus fruits, summer time. Lance couldn't help but smile. Summer was his favorite time of year. He could spend all his free time swimming, suffering, and what he was most excited for, spend time with Keith. This was the first summer they would spend together as a couple and Lance was more than excited, he had already planned so many dates.
Lance took the long was home, they way that passes Keith's house. When he passed by, there was a lot of noise coming from the garage so he decided to peek inside to see what was going on. Lance walked around the side of the garage and slowly opened the door. "Knock knock." Lance said closing the door and stepping over some junk. Keith turned his head "Hey Lance." he mumbled while he continued to work. He was working on a motorcycle. He had bought from a neighbor for a scary cheap price and now he knew why. It was a Harley Davidson 1998 Road King Classic, it's body could use a paint job and it didn't exactly run when her first got it. Keith had been working on it for about a year now and it's almost done. Keith couldn't be more excited. Lance walked up behind him squatted down to his level and rapped his arms around Keith's neck and kissed the top his head. Lance then moved his arms down and wrapped them around Keith's torso, then rested his head on Keith's left shoulder. "Have you been working all day?" Lance asked.
"Yeah" Keith answered. "I could have it running by the end of this week."
"I'm so proud of you Keith."
"Thanks" Keith smiled and leaned his head on Lance's for a second before getting back to work. "You're taking me for ride as soon as it's ready." Lance said. Keith just smiled.
Lance wandered around the garage for an hour, aimless chatting with Keith. After a while Keith announced that he was tired and started putting his things away. "I'm going to go shower, but your free to hang out for a little while longer." Keith offered. "I'm actually going to run home and shower as well, wash this chlorine off. But I'll come back once I'm done." Lance said picking up his bag. He and Keith both smiled.
Lance jogged home and when he opened the door he was greeted with hugs from 3 of his younger siblings. He smiled and told everyone hello and his mom his plans for the evening. He ran upstairs, took a shower, got ready. He wore a pair of light blue skinny jeans with holes in the knees and a blue and white stripped tank top. He was walking out the door when his mom stopped him. "Lance, do you plan on coming home late?" She asked. "Uh probably." I'll text you and let you know. Okay Mama?"
"That's fine, but bring a jacket in case it gets cold."
"Okay Mama." Lance said picking up his jacket that was laying in the living room. "Bye everyone!" Lance waved and walked out the door as he heard a collective "bye" from all his sibling watching tv.
Lance road his bike to Keith's house, and parked it in the front yard. He walked up the steps and knocked on the front door, he had been here a hundred times, but he still liked to be polite. Shiro opened the door and smiled at Lance. "Hey dude, come on in." Shiro greeted waving his hand for Lance to walk inside. "Thank you." Lance walked in a took his shoes off. "Is Keith in his room?" He asked. "Yeah, he should be up there." Shiro laughed a little. "I haven't seen him since he came in from working on his new bike. I still can't believe he's spent so much money on it. His old one had one hiccup and he bought a new one that has even more problems than the old one." Shiro was ranting at this point. Lance just laughed and walked up the stairs.
Keith door was open and Lance walked up and knocked on the frame. "Yeah." Keith said. Lance peered his head in the doorway and smiled at Keith who was laying in his bed watching TV. Lance walked in and laid down on the bed beside Keith. "Whatcha watching?" Lance asked and turned his body to face Keith, unknowingly blocking the tv in the process. "Well nothing now." Keith glared jokingly. Lance just laughed. Keith turned his body to face Lance as well, their faces just inches apart. They were gazing into each others eyes, just happy to be in the others presence. Lance reached up and tucked Keith's hair behind his ear. "What are you doing Lance?" Keith asked.
"Just admiring."
Eventually Shiro called the two down stairs for dinner. Lance followed Keith to the dinning room table and sat down beside him. It was just them two and Shiro, passing the peas around the table and chatting. Shiro was talking about how Matt was having to stay late for work so he had no help preparing the food and he was hoping it wasn't terrible. Lance and Keith both reassured him that it was great, which it was.
All three of the boys were together washing dishes and cleaning up. Keith had his hair pulled up while he was washing dishes, Lance loved it. Lance leaned over and casually kissed the back of his neck. Keith shot up and blushed causing Lance to laugh, Shiro just rolled his eyes.
Keith and Lance had spent the rest of the day together, cuddling, playing videos games, and just spending time together. It was about 10:00pm, Lance and Keith were tangled into each other's arms, Keith snuggled into Lance's neck, Lance's was running his fingers through Keith's hair. Lance looked down at his beautiful boyfriend "Well..." he started "It's pretty late, I probably need to go." Keith looked up at him sad eyes and squeezed him a little tighter. Lance could tell he was tired. "Don't go." Keith said almost at a whisper. Lance hugged him back tight as well. "I really want to stay, love, but I have practice in the morning." Lance leaned down and kissed the top of Keith's head and crawled out of the bed. Lance sat on the side of the bed to put his shoes on, Keith sat beside him, leaning his head on Lance's shoulder. He was clingier when he was tired. Lance turned and lifted Keith's chin and gave him a kiss. Keith smiled and yawned. "Get some sleep, you've been working hard." Lance said and Keith didn't argue. He laid down and Lance threw a blanket over him. "Goodnight Lance." Keith mumbled. "Goodnight Keith" Lance said turning the light off and closing the door behind him.
It was Saturday morning and Lance didn't have swim practice. He was in his backyard pushing his younger brother, Ari, on a swing. His younger sisters, Emme and Marisa, we playing and game of tag. Leo, his other brother who was only 2 years younger than him was chilling on the patio reading. The morning air smelled like the pancakes that's their mom was cooking inside. The birds were singing melodies in the sky and and everyone was happy, the day felt perfect.
Everyone was gathered around the patio dinning table to eat breakfast. Emme and Marisa were bickering and complaining about the other, Mama McClain was helping Ari cut his pancakes, and Leo was very invested in his book, rarely taking a bite of his food. Lance was just on his phone, he had text Keith a while back, but he figured he was still asleep, it was only 10am. Everyone shot up when they heard a loud roar come down the road, a motorcycle. Lance jumped from his seat and ran to the front yard. Sure enough there was Keith, parking a working motorcycle. Keith smiled and waved as he took his helmet off. Lance ran down to the street and hugged Keith "God, look at you." Lance kissed Keith's cheek. "You did it, I'm so proud."
Keith was flustered. "So do you want to go for that ride?" Keith asked.
"Actually I have to go finish breakfast, the family is in the back. Let's go" Lance grabbed Keith's hand and walked to the back yard.
Keith was greeted by Emme, Marisa, and Ari collectively yelling "Keith!" Leo waved and their mom jumped up. "Good morning Keith!! Let me go get you a plate."
"Thank you, but I'm fi-" Keith tried to decline but Mama McClain was already inside.
Keith joined the McClain family's breakfast eating pancakes and telling embarrassing stories about Lance.
When everyone was finished eating Lance and Keith walked around to the front yard. "You're a safe driver right?" Lance asked reaching for his helmet. "I've been driving a motorcycle longer than I've been driving a car, if you'll ride in a minivan with me, you should 100% trust me on a bike." Keith laughed as his got on the bike. Lance sat behind him. "You two can't die! Be safe!!" Mama McClain yelled from the front door. "Don't worry mama, we'll be safe!" Lance yelled back and Keith gave her a thumbs up.
"Hold on tight." Keith ordered. Lance wrapped his arms around Keith's waist and rested his chin on Keith's shoulder.
"Ready?" Keith asked.
Keith started the bike, pulled away from the curb, and rode down the street.
Keith started out easy to make sure lance felt safe, but as soon as the two were out of the neighborhood and on some busier streets Keith sped up. Lance was nervous but he was having a great time. Keith drove safely, but they were definitely picking up some speed. "Woohoo!!" Lance yelled with excitement. Keith smiled. He was making Lance happy, one of his favorite things to do.
After riding for a good hour or so Keith pulled into his garage and cut the motorcycle off. Lance hopped off then Keith followed. "That was great" Lance said fixing his helmet hair.
"Yeah it really was." Keith smiled.
"You're going to take me again right?"
"Whenever you want, Lance." Keith leaned in and kissed him.

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