Walk like an Egyptian Part 1

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The Picture above is what She is wearing along with trainers that match the outfit that she is wearing

3rd Point of view

As the host introduced the original cast he also began to introduce the newbies to the cast which unbeknownst to his knowledge one of them knew a certain member of the orginal cast

Chris: "And now to mix things up and keep it all fresh, we're adding three new competitors! He's an honour-roll student with a diplomat for a dad and an amazing ability to charm the pants off most species. Alejandro!

He steps out with Spanish music playing in the background as he removes his sunglasses

Alejandro: "Perhaps I could assist" he helps Bridgette and Izzy up

Izzy: " Wow-ie!"

Bridgette: "I-I have a boyfriend!"

Alejandro: "And amigos, please, allow me"  he also helps up Tyler and Ezekiel

Ezekiel: "Wow, eh"

Tyler: "I like girls!"

Chris: "She's a sugar addicted super fan with sixteen Total Drama blogs! Sierra!"

Sierra comes running out of the bus

Sierra: "Oh my gosh, I love you guys! This is the greatest day of my life! Anyone got a paper bag I can breathe into? Oh my gosh, Cody! I've always dreamt of this moment, only you weren't wearing a shirt".

Chris: And for our Final contestant She's successfully started her own fashion company and is famous all around the world which is great for our ratings Isabella

Izzy and Alejandro: "WHAT!!!"

Bella: "HEY IZZY UP HERE!!!"

A 17 year old girl stands above the wing of the plane with a beret on waving frantically to her sister then backflips of it and lands successfully in front of her sister which Izzy then tackles her to the ground

Izzy: "BELLA!!!! YOU'RE HERE Heads up guys she is very crazy"

Bella just laughs and stands up only to get a massive hug from Alejandro

Alejandro:"I have one question for you Jewel how??"

Bella: All will be revealed on TOTAL... DRAMA... WORLD TOUR!!!"

Chris: "HEY that's my line!!!"

Everyone justs laughs at Chris while staring at Izzy's sister with wonder and excitement

Bella: "Now come on let's go win a million dollars Woohoo

Bella and Izzy go running in together with everyone else just walking in with a dazed Alejandro out of it.

Bella stands beside Alejandro as Chris explains all about the plane until someone decides to open his mouth

Ezekiel: "Oh why hello there Pretty lady"

Bella justs walks away and stands next to Izzy as they make it to first class which she immediately jumps on a random seat while Chris talks some more

Bella: "Ok maybe I was a bit sceptical about this whole thing but it's pretty nice" 

Alejandro: "Si jewel it is how you say delightful"

Bella: "Ok I see your game I say start with Lindsay don't worry I won't tell" *winks at him*

Alejandro: "Haha you could always see right through my act "smiles at her 

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