Can't Help Falling in Louvre

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The 4th dress is the one Bella is wearing during today's challenge and when something surprising happens in it as well. Also the song Bella is singing is from My Little Pony sorry if you hate it the song is called the magic inside and I changed the lyrics a wee bit I know it's weird anyway let's dive in.

3rd Point Of View

As all of the teams are in Economy class as Chris needs first class for his own personal needs Alejandro can't help but smile at the thought of his one true love confessing her love to him which puts him in a daze as Ting Ting comes running in and jumps on Alejandro's lap multiple times.

Sierra: "What's wrong with Ting Ting?"

Ting Ting points to the entrance of the cargo hold as Bella steps out wearing a beautiful short dress as everyone stares at her in awe as she sits down calmly next to Sierra as she starts fan girling which makes Bella smile at her.

Gwen: "Wow how did you make that dress!!!!"

Tyler: "It defiantly suits you!"

Sierra: "You look like a princess!! mind if I take a few pictures!!??"

Bella: "Of course after all you inspired it but I can't think of a name for it got any ideas?!!"

Sierra looks at her with sparkling eyes as she tightly hugs Bella and starts taking pictures of the dress along with Selfies with everyone.

Sierra: "Oh these look so good okay I was thinking Galaxy Girl if that's okay with you I mean your the fashion expert around here?!!"

Bella nods her head and hugs Sierra as Bella looks around the plane to notice Cody is missing which she ignores as the plane starts to shake.

Bella: "Wait where's Izzy!!!"

Alejandro: "I saw her going to talk to Chef"

Everyone gasps and quickly grabs onto something to hold on to as the plane violently shakes up and down then stops and returns back to normal.

Courtney: "Way to go Bella your crazy sister near killed us all!!"

Bella looks around to see Noah in a birdcage , Owen sucking his thumb and Tyler throwing up she looks at Alejandro in regret as he come over to her and pats her shoulder in comfort which makes her smile.

Alejandro: "Your attempts to insult my team are .... cute"

Courtney blushes as she struggles to talk to Alejandro.

Courtney: "Well my all girl team is going to beat you"

Alejandro smirks at her as he points to Sierra crying on the floor with a tub of ice cream beside her as she starts eating it which makes Bella wince at her as Courtney and Gwen drag her away to comfort her.

Alejandro: "Don't be sad Jewel it's not your fault don't let her get to you"

Bella hugs Alejandro as he blushes and hugs back as Cody falls out from his hiding place.

Bella: "Oh hello Heartbreaker how are you today?"

Cody: "Ah you heard about it I'm sorry she just got on my nerves and I ruined everything"

Bella goes over to Cody and helps him off the ground and places a hand on his shoulder.

Bella: "Look Sierra may seem a bit crazy but now that you've done this to her who's to say you're safe you lost the one vote you can count on now I hope you're happy with yourself Cody!"

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