Prologue to All Stars

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3rd Point Of View
Bella is working hard on her latest design but stops as she keeps looking at a certain photo that is sitting on the table. She sighs as she steps away from her design and picks up the photograph and sighs in sadness.

The photo is Bella and Alejandro kissing in Paris that Izzy had managed to take as she smiles at the memory but starts to form tears in her eyes as she feels Ting Ting climbing on her leg as she picks him up. 

Bella: "Oh don't worry I'm fine are you hungry boy?"

Ting Ting runs into the kitchen as Bella laughs and makes him a snack as he happily munches it as Bella giggles and Pets his head as she goes back to her design until she hears a knock at the door. 

Bella: "I'm coming hold on a second!!"

Bella fixes her hair and opens the door to see a rusty old robot at her doorway. She looks very puzzled as the robot looks up at her slowly with his mood turning to the happy face on the scale. 

Bella: "...... Can I help you...... Mr or Mrs Robot?"

The robot hands her a note addressed to her but as she holds the note the robot keeps a hold of her hand for a couple more seconds.

Bella opens the note up as she rolls her eyes and skipping over most of the note until the last bit catches her eye.

Chris's Note: "Introducing Total Drama All Stars and your part of it Bells!!! It's part of your contract!!!!"

Bella groans in frustration but then smiles at the robot as it looks up at her.

Bella: "Tell Chris I'll be there oh by the way thanks for telling me!"

Bella kisses the robot on the head and closes the door to start packing for her second season of Total Drama unaware that underneath the robot's armour is someone who missed her dearly and cannot wait for her arrival as he sheds a tear and quickly goes back to Chris.

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