Hawaiian Punch

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So the finale is here!!!! Wahoo!!!! But will all be well? Let's find out! on Total.... Drama..... World Tour!!!! By the way Bella is still wearing her outfit from last episode and the song is When can i see you again by Owl City Now let's start this thing!!

3rd Point Of View
As Bella is talking to Izzy Chris tells everyone that they are about to start filming again as Izzy and Bella share one last hug before Bella goes over to stand beside Alejandro and Cody as she smiles at both of them.

Chris: "Welcome back to Total Drama World Tour moments ago Isabella has successfully secured a place in the finale leaving Alejandro and Cody to fight one another to the death ha ha but first let's see what our contestants had to say"

Confessionals Start

Alejandro: "I can't believe it me and my Darling Jewel are through to the finale but man what will my brother Jose say about me being beaten by that Pathetic Cody oh he's already writing compiling his insults about me now!" 

Cody: "I'm in the final two-ish I can't believe it now there's only one thing standing in my way Alejandro I can't believe I'm saying this but I wish Sierra was here with me. 

Bella: "Wow just Wow I can't believe it i'm in the final i have a couple of things to say ahem first of all Take that Courtney wahoo!!!! Second i like to thank all of my friends who have helped me on this amazing journey love ya Izzy and lastly I love you Alejandro when i win i'm giving the money to your family like i promised to you *Blows kiss to the camera*

Confessionals End 

Everyone except Courtney awes at Bella's Confessional as Alejandro wraps his arms around Bella's waist and kisses Bella forehead whilst Courtney glares at Bella as she is slowly being filled with rage.

Gwen: "Awe now i know why you two are the cutest couple now!"

Owen: "I can't wait for the wedding cake!!"

Katie + Sadie: "Oh and The Ceremony!!!!

Both Bella and Alejandro blush and then smile at each other as they both turn their attention back to Chris again.

Chris: " Alright back to the topic at hand here the peanut gallery will be playing a major role in chosing a winner!"

The peanut gallery cheer while waving flags of the final contestants as Alejandro looks worried which Bella places her hand on his shoulder causing him to smile at her.

Duncan: "Sweet i guess we're choosing the winner again!"

Izzy tackles Bella to the ground as Bella laughs as Everyone smiles at the pair while Ting Ting runs over to the both of them.

Bella picks up Ting Ting and places him on her head and takes a selfie of her and Izzy along with Ting Ting posing causimg the peanut gallery to awe at them both.

Bella: "Awe who's my special little guy you are yes you are!!!"

Ting Ting hugs Bella and then Alejandro then runs over to Duncan and sits on his lap.

Bella: "Don't worry Ting Ting Uncle Duncan will look after you and if he harms you well i will break every bone in his body love ya!"

Alejandro chuckles at her as they both hold each others hand as everyone supports them.

Gwen: "You got this Bella!"

Dj: "Yeah i believe in you!"

Izzy: "Fight your man hahaha!!!!"

Sierra: "We're here for you Cody and Bella Especially me!"

Bella smiles at everyone as she ruffles Cody's hair and nudges his shoulder gently.

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