Super Happy Crazy Fun Time Japan

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3rd Point Of View

As the contestants were waking up and chatting amongst themselves the plane began shaking causing some of them to freak out some more than others

Owen: "AHH I'm too young to die!!!!"

Bella slowly looking up from her sketchbook could clearly see the fear in Owen's eye and felt his pain as she was slowly beginning to be terrified of the plane too.

Noah: "Stop sweating lunch box Air travel is like the 15th safest mode of transportation"

Bella quickly smacks Noah on the back of his head causing Alejandro and Izzy to laugh at him

Noah: "Oww what was that for?" She raises her hand again and quickly he scotches away from Bella

Bella: "Don't listen to him Owen Chris wouldn't let us die I mean we're the reason he get's the rating's anyway"

Owen stops screaming and smiles back while everyone looks dumbfounded at her as nobody would even dare talk about Chris behind his back until all of a sudden the hole in the plane begins to break and everyone tries to hold on but Leshawna slips out and before she is sucked out of the plane Alejandro saves her as Owen boards up the plane.

Alejandro: "Such beauty will not fall through that Airplane on my watch"

He then let's Leshawna go and immediately notices someone missing

Alejandro: "Where's Jewel" Bella falls from the ceiling and falls on Alejandro "Oh there you are"

Bella giggles and helps Alejandro up as she walks away to help Owen out of the plane


Alejandro: "Ahh my sweet Jewel is safe phew (Notices the camera) as she is my teammate and...." (Blushes)

Bella: "Remember kids when a crazy host doesn't spend money on making the plane safe Run while you still can"

Owen: "I'm glad Bella helped me but I'm scared of flying still"

Confessionals end

Alejandro's Point Of View

After that whole Death incident we are all seated waiting for Chris to announce the challenge when I noticed Chef and Chris walking in but Bella wasn't here yet which was weird as chef was wearing some sort of Japanese outfit

Chris: "We're about to land in Japan"

then Bella smashes the doors down and starts to swing the katanas around much to Chef's dismay


Chef: "Give me those!"

Bella: "Awww I was having fun" she sits beside me while having a smirk on her face

Everyone is looking at her like she is crazy except for Izzy as she is looking at her with pride on her face.

Chris: "Nicely done Bella anyway .."

Harold: "Gosh Bella that not the way you perform with those swords"

Jewel looked down with sadness and Izzy pulls her into a hug which causes everyone to glare at him and before I could get my hands on him Chef breaks the plane door down and we all fall out of the plane.

I looked to my left to see Bella just looking happy along with Izzy performing tricks in the air until Chris sounded the Song bell I can't wait to hear Bella sing as she seemed to be enjoying herself.

Song starts

Courtney: We're singing as we're falling!

Heather: While some are cannon-balling!

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