Moon Madness

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So Bella has gone over to Boney Island but will she be alright? Find out now on Total..... Drama... All..... Stars!!!! and this is Bella's Outfit for today.

Bella's Point Of ViewAs I woke up on Boney Island I saw a bunch of butterflies hovering around me as I smiled at them

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Bella's Point Of View
As I woke up on Boney Island I saw a bunch of butterflies hovering around me as I smiled at them. Since last night I have discovered that the butterflies listen to me and follow me like I'm a queen or something which must have explained what happened in World Tour. I walked along Boney Island with them following me as I heard a boat engine as I ran to the shore to see Chef there waiting for me.

Chef: "Time's up Bella back to the island!"

I nodded and jumped onto the boat as he started the engine and we made our way back to camp again while the butterflies flew back into the Island. During the boat ride I prayed that Ali was still on the Island and that the villains voted out Courtney or Heather either of the two is fine.

As I got off the boat I started to walk to the cabins where Zoey was the first to see me and tackled me into a huge hug as Sierra came out and squealed loudly and also hugged me while everyone came out of their cabins to see what was going on.

Zoey: "Oh we're so glad you're safe Bella!"

Sierra: "Yeah the fans were going crazy about you going to Boney Island!"

Me: "Guys my sister taught me everything I know to survive in the worst environments so I'm a pro!"

Cameron and Mike then came over and gave me a hug while Duncan gave me a noogie which I hated as I fixed my hair again but I didn't see Sam anywhere which of course Cameron started to fill me in as we all sat on the steps of the cabin.

Cameron: "After you left Bells it turns out Sam didn't finish his pancake so the villains won!"

I breathed a sigh of relief knowing that Ali was still safe but he was so going kill me for leaving him. I noticed Sierra and Zoey were looking at me in awe as I turned around to face them in a look of confusion.

Me: "What?"

Everyone: "Happy Birthday Bella!!!"

I was in awe as they threw confetti into the air as I laughed as they hugged me with Duncan smiling faintly at me as Sierra started taking photos of us making silly faces as we all laughed when Gwen came out and ran out to me as I hugged her back.

Gwen: "Happy Birthday Bells but you need to come with me right now it's Alejandro he won't get up he was really upset with you leaving because of him!"

I ran inside ignoring Courtney along with Gwen as she guided me to his room. When I opened his room door I saw him on the floor with his back turned crying on the bed I motioned to Gwen to give us some space which she nodded her head as I closed the door and moved closer to him.

I sat on the bed and ruffled his hair as he slowly looked up at me and gasped in shock as he stood up and tackled me onto the bed as he brought me into his chest and started hugging me as I responded quickly to his actions as he smiled down at me and I wiped his tears away.

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