You Regretta be kidding me

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So Alejandro has finally defeated his brother with his girlfriend being proud of him but now Mal will deal with Bella's anger for hurting her sister.
And this is Bella's Outfit for today!! Now let's start the episode!!!

Bella's Point Of ViewAs I woke up to the sun lighting up the whole room I realised that Alejandro wasn't beside me or in the room either

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Bella's Point Of View
As I woke up to the sun lighting up the whole room I realised that Alejandro wasn't beside me or in the room either. I looked around the room before falling back to sleep again until I heard someone entering the room and I instantly knew who it was.

I looked up to see Alejandro smiling at me as he walked over and kissed me good morning which made me smile at him as he held me in his arms and we stayed like that for a long time which was perfect for me.

I loved our quiet moments Chris telling us to get hurt...... no Courtney telling both of us the relationship wasn't going to work out for us and especially no fake Mike trying to get rid of Ali just us alone together enjoying the peace and quiet between the two of us.

I looked up at him to see him with a worried expression I knew he was thinking deeply so I sat up and tapped his shoulder which he snapped out of his thoughts and i kissed him on the cheek which made him blush as I chuckled at his reaction while he looked away embarrassed.

Me: "Ali relax I'm not going anywhere and that's a promise I like to keep!"

Alejandro: "I know that Jewel it just I'm worried for your safety!"

Me: "Ha do you know who your girlfriend's sister is??? I am the most toughest girl on this island I ain't afraid of some evil monster so he can bring it on!!!"

Alejandro: *Laughs* "That's my girl and nobody's going to take you away from you!"

He smiled at me as he left the room for me to get changed but not before giving me another one of his sweet kisses as I quickly put on my outfit and headed downstairs into the kitchen.

I knew Alejandro was staring at me as I heard Gwen chuckle at his reaction as I sat down beside him as we held hands. I heard a flash as Gwen took a photo of us as I hid my face with Alejandro chuckling at my actions as I looked up at him.

Confessionals Start

Gwen: "Wow every day their relationship seems to be growing stronger man me and Duncan need to step up our game"

Alejandro: *Bella is sitting on his lap* "We are most definitely stronger than ever even when we were apart"

Bella: "Yep so bring it on Mal you cannot tear us apart just try!"

*Bella and Alejandro start making out with Chris groaning in disgust outside*

Confessionals End

3rd Point Of View
Bella and Alejandro walk out of the spa hotel holding hands as they see Duncan spray painting the side of the cabin which turns out to resemble a bunny.

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