Saving Private Leechball

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Who was the mysterious person interested in Bella? Find out on Total ....Drama..... All..... Stars!!! Here is Bella's Outfit for today!"

Bella's Point Of View As I was adjusting my latest design in the mirror I saw Zoey coming into the room I was staying in and came over to me as she led me downstairs to have breakfast while also admiring my outfit as I laughed at her amazement

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Bella's Point Of View 
As I was adjusting my latest design in the mirror I saw Zoey coming into the room I was staying in and came over to me as she led me downstairs to have breakfast while also admiring my outfit as I laughed at her amazement.

Zoey: "You always seem to amaze me with your creativity Bella!"

Me: "Thanks Zoey so how the relationship with Mike going huh!!"  

Zoey: "Oh Mike is a great guy!"

Me: "And a great Husband" *Sing song voice!*

Zoey blushes and lightly punched me in the shoulder as I smiled at her. Oh god their relationship is so cute that's what got me hooked in Revenge Of The Island their relationship towards one another was so touching!!"

I sat down next to Cameron as I started to eat Ice cream. What??? It's my breakfast I can choose  what I eat but Miss CIT had to go and complain about her orange juice as behind her back I mimicked her which caused everyone to laugh as she glared at me.

Courtney: "Really Bella Ice Cream!!??"

Me: "So What I love Ice Cream and this might be the last time we're in here!!"

Courtney: "Whatever if we lose you are so eliminated!!"

I rolled my eyes at her and went outside along with my cupcakes and made my way to Alejandro's cabin as I knocked on it gently while also looking back to see everyone making kissy faces at me I laughed at them.

Duncan answered it and saw the cupcakes in my arms as i playfully walked past him and offered one to Scott.

Scott: "Why are you giving us cupcakes! Unless you're trying to poison us then no way!!!"

Me: "Scott if i was trying to kill you i would've feed you to Fang dude!!"

He took the cupcake away from me and started eating it as i gave one to Duncan.

Duncan: "Nice Belle but really why are you giving us cupcakes?" 

I looked up to see Alejandro still sleeping as i smiled up at him as he had bed hair which was so adorable.

Me: "Well to get away from Courtney complaining about me eating Ice Cream for breakfast i mean who does that!!!"

I saw Alejandro slowly waking up as he woke up and saw me smiling up at him as i jumped up beside him as he pulled me close beside him.

Alejandro: "And what do i owe the pleasure of having the most beautiful girl in the world pay me a visit"

Me: "Can't a girl visit her gorgeous boyfriend?"

He kissed me as i kissed back with Scott walking outside in disgust while Duncan just left us alone while winking at us as I blushed.

Me: "Well i thought you were sad that i beat you so I made cupcakes and to see how you were doing because of your legs Do they still hurt?"

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