Prologue~After the war

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Disclaimer~ I own nothing but the storyline!!!!
A/n- hey guys, this is a Hermione Zabini/ Dramione story. I have started this story before on another account but have moved to this account.  I really hope you like it. Please read it and comment both good and bad points. Love you all xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Hermione was sitting in the living room at the burrow thinking about the war and all the people that they had lost. The Weasley's had lost Fred, a beloved member of the family, half of the amazing pranksters and one of the bravest people Hermione knew. Fred threw himself in front of a curse to save his girlfriend- Angelina Johnson- but everyone knew that he would do it again in a heart beat, for anyone, if only he had survived. The Weasleys were very different without Fred. There were very few laughs, if any, around the house. No pranks. Barely any fun at all. Obviously Hermione understood the difference in atmosphere but it didn't make it any easier. She had just come back from Australia, where she had spent only a week, partly to give the Weasleys time to grieve alone and partly to find her parents and restore their memories. She had found them but hadn't restored their memories. When she had seen them, they had seemed so happy therefore Hermione couldn't bring herself to ruin that by dropping a huge bombshell on their life, instead she returned to the Burrow alone. She wanted to return to her house and sort out the stuff left there but also didn't want to leave the place that she was surrounded by people who were like her family. She loved the Burrow, she loved the Weasleys and- being the person that she is- she couldn't just leave when they needed someone the most. Mr and Mrs Weasley tried to be strong but you could see the pain (quite understandably) on their faces. Hermione knew they needed her even if they never said it. Hermione missed Fred however nowhere near as much as his family.

Besides she grieved differently to most. She wrote down all her favourite memories with that person then read them over and over again when she felt down about it. She never really was one to show her feelings to the outside world, she much preferred the fictional world. In fact she had written one of these books for each person she was close to that she lost in the war out just before. She had written one for Dumbledore, one for Sirius, one for Remus, one for Tonks, one for Madeye Moody, one for Fred and even one for Snape. She was actually reading her book for Snape when a familiar owl flew into the dining room. She was glad that the other Weasleys weren't in the dining room at this point because they would not be pleased to see this owl in their house. For this owl belonged to the Malfoys. Intrigued by why the Malfoy owl was bringing her a letter, Hermione greeted the owl kindly then retrieved an owl treaty from the kitchen before reading the letter.

When she picked up the letter, she immediately recognised the cursive writing. It was Draco Malfoy's writing. She opened the letter. It read:

Hermione Granger,
I am sure that you have realised who it is that has written to you by now therefore I'm grateful that you haven't ripped out up yet. I am glad that you haven't as what I have to say is truly important. I felt that I needed to apologise for mine and my family's actions towards you. The way I bullied you at Hogwarts was unacceptable and I knew that, in fact I used to go back to the Slytherin common rooms of an evening and confess to Blaise Zabini all that I said and did to you. I want you to know that I only did this as my father had taught me from a young age that that was true. Before I had come to Hogwarts, however, I was aware that it was wrong. I only did this as I was scared that if my  father found out that ' I was going soft" then he would beat my mother and I more. I could take it but I didn't want mother to get hurt. I know that in the process of preventing that, I hurt you and I'm sorry.

Furthermore, what happened at Malfoy Manor should never have happened. Whilst you were being tortured by my aunt Bella, all I did was stand there and watch. What help was that? I should have stopped her, I should've never let you get that awful word carved into you with such pain. I can still hear your screams now. If I could turn back time I would prevent that. At the time I had convinced myself that I had helped you, helped the light side as much as I could. I never wanted the dark side to win. If they had then the world would be full of death and destruction so I told myself to help you as much as possible which is why I didn't give up who you were, I didn't want it to end like that. Because I had done that, I wanted to believe that that was all I could do but that wasn't true. I should've stopped her, I'm sorry.

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