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When everyone returned to the Zabini manor they decided to go up to Hermione's room as it was the biggest, much to Blaise's dismay ( "I'm the oldest and I'm bigger, I don't get why I don't get the bigger room. It's just not fair!") They all sat on the floor in a circle chatting for a while. Hermione began zoning out- which she found she often did- and started having a memory of Bellatrix torturing her. This caused her scar to hurt once more. She hissed and gripped it tight to try and contain the pain.

{Mi? You alright?}
{Yes Blaise, I'm fine. Just listening to everyone.}
{Mi, you are a terrible liar. I saw you zone out then grip your scar in pain. What's going on?} Blaise was really worried about his sister and hoped she'd tell him the truth.
{Fine! I often zone out and have flashbacks from that night when I'm emotional which causes my scar to hurt but I'm ok. I promise. I get used to it. Don't worry.} Even after Hermione said this, Blaise was still worried and when he glanced around the room to see if anyone else had seen it, he saw Draco looking over at her with concern.
{You shouldn't have to be used to it Mi. Ever!} Hermione sighed, she appreciated her brothers concern but knew that it would not make a difference. She gave him a weak smile before turning to everyone and asking if they wanted to play a game. Everyone nodded although Draco still looked very concern as did Blaise. No one else really noticed and had no reason to as Hermione had mastered her fake smile face. Only those who saw her side would know what happened.

They choose to play truth or dare do Hermione conjured an empty bottle and placed out in the middle of the circle.

"I'll spin first!" Blaise shouted. Blaise span the bottle and it landed on Theo. "Truth or dare Theo?" Theo said dare unsurprisingly. "I dare you to kiss my sister." Everyone looked quite shocked that Blaise would voluntarily let someone kiss his sister let alone dare then to do it but there was a smirk on his lips so they all knew he was up to something. Theo looked towards Hermione as if asking if it was alright, she shrugged her shoulders yes so Theo leant across the circle and embraced Hermione, for a couple of seconds, in a kiss. When he pulled away they were both red and everyone was laughing. Well almost everyone. Draco sat with his face set in scowl directed at both Blaise and Theo. Theo hasn't noticed it but Blaise certainly had.

"Ok next person!" Theo said suddenly. He shown the bottle and it landed on Hermione. "Truth or dare H?"


"Tell us about your first kiss." Theo smirked as he saw the look on Blaise's face, he didn't want to hear about his sister's sex life at any level.

"Ok, well it was in 5th year..."


Hermione was sitting alone by the lake reading. Her friends were at doing god knows what and she wanted ice and quiet which she was sure she wouldn't get with them so she grabbed her favourite book- Hogwarts A History- and headed out into the sunshine. After about 20 minutes, Luna came skipping over.

"Hey Mione."

"Hey Luna, you alright?" They continued idle chatter for a good 5/10 minutes then just sat in a comfortable silence, looking at the view until Hermione said "you're really fun to hang out with Luna. And we've gotten really close recently I think."

"Yeah we've got a lot closer and I love hanging out with you too."

"Well Luna, you see, ikindalikeyou." She said it all so quick that Luna had to ask her to repeat it slower. "I said, I kinda like you like more than a friend but I get if you don't like me back in that way. I don't even know if you like girls that way at all. Wow, I have probably made this so awkward now and you probably hate me and.." Her rambling was interrupted when Luna's lips crashed into hers. The kids only lasted a couple of seconds before Luna pulled way.

Pureblood Hermione and the cursed scar Where stories live. Discover now