The Weasleys

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A/n- hey guys I posted this a while ago but it didn't upload properly so I am republishing it just to make sure. XX

Blaise's POV

When we arrived at the Burrow, George went in first, then Ginny and Draco then the rest of us  followed.

"Hello George, oh and Ginerva and Draco. Oh and everyone else. You should have told me you were all coming bit why's Blaise Zabini here and friend here?" Molly greeted the group.

"Hey mum. Did Ronald not tell you?" They all looked at Ron expectantly.

"No! I'm not disgracing my family!" I saw Hermione's face drop so I grabbed her hand; giving her a comforting smile.

"Ron! Shut the--" Molly cleared her throat, giving him a reprimanding look. "Sorry mum, just be quiet Ron. Maybe we should all sit down. Hello everyone else by the way considering I haven't said hi yet. So hi." He came over towards Hermione and whispered in her ear, she shook her head with tears in her eyes. He gave her a hug and nodded. "So everyone, Blaise is here because he kinda has some news that concerns you but I'm going to tell you all because depending on your reaction, depends on if he is going to have to comfort his twin sister."

"George don't!" Ron shouted towards him. Ignoring him, George continued.

"Right, Mum, dad, Bill, Charlie, Fleur, Percy and Fr..." He trailed off slightly and I felt his heart break as he made the mistake of listing his brother. I looked around at everyone and they were all solemn. "Anyway, everyone, Blaise has a long lost twin sister that was given away for similar reasons to our Ginny only to a Muggle family. I know that most of you have accepted Gin so I hope that you're going to do the same. Blaise's twin sister is Hermione. Hermione Granger." There was silence, shocked faces everywhere until Ron broke it again.

"Just to clarify for everyone. We have been associating with two death eaters for years. Who says that they weren't actually spies!!" Just as he said that Hermione broke free from my grip. I noticed that George me and Draco were about to have a go when Mi's voice pierced the air.

"Ronald Billius Weasley, how dare you say that Gin and I were ever spies and how can you stand there and insult my family!? And you also know that I thought I was a Muggle born! You know that! You think that I would be tortured and scarred with that disgusting word if I was a spy!" There were more confused faces, etched with horror.

"I bet that scar was fake! And that it was removed immediately!"

" Removed? Fake? Does this look fake to you?" She removed her glamour on her arm. Everyone was shocked and horrified at the news that just came out. Hermione is a Zabini and was tortured. Ron's face went white but then immediately became red again.

"To me, you will always be a death eater and a mudblood!" I couldn't believe he said it and that I wasn't even quick enough to stop him. Hermione collapsed on the floor, screaming in agony. Those of us who knew what was going on (Me, Draco, George, Theo and Harry) scowled at Ron and dropped to help Hermione where all the others just looked worried and were running around. I didn't know what to do. I held her scar tissue prevent any bleeding from it but all I wanted was to stop her pain.

Draco's POV

I hate the Weasel! He knew what would happen when he said that! I hated seeing her in such pain again. I would have done anything to take that pain away.

I dropped down next to her but I knew that there was nothing we could do at all. She had to get through this. All we could do was hold her scar which Blaise was doing so I got up and walked over to the Weasel. George saw me and stood up as if to stop me but decided against it and just watched what was about to happen.

"Why the fuck would you do that Weasel!? You knew what would happen! You were best friends with her since you were 11 and now her last name changed you basically torture her! Are you joking?!" I pulled my arm back at punched him straight in the face. He fell to the floor with blood dripping from his nose. I could hear the screams of Hermione and it only made me angrier. I lifted my wand and pointed it straight at Ron. "Cru-"

"Draco don't! He isn't worth it!" It was George.

" But Mione." I was almost crying now and everyone just seemed frozen in place as if scared of me which I guess is understandable considering.

" I know Draco but he isn't worth Askaban."

"He isn't but Mione is. Cru-"

"Draco, don't." I heard a croak from behind me, it was Mione.

"Mione! Are you ok? I'm sorry I didn't stop him, I can't believe this happened again. I failed to protect you again. It's all my fault." I ran over to her and embraced her tightly; completely forgetting about my revenge.

"I'm ok Draco, don't worry. It's not your fault but please don't do anything you'd regret, I couldn't cope if you were gone." I looked into her eyes, tears were flowing freely out of them, sincerity behind her eyes.

"Mione, I will never leave you. I'm sorry. My anger got the best of me, I just hated to hear them screams again and see you writhing in pain like that again." I hugged her tightly, now both of us crying like babies.


Molly came to her senses and asked what just happened. George breifly explained it, all the while, scowling at Ron. When George has finished explaining, Molly hit Ron round the head and instructed him to wait in his room until she comes up. A very pale Ron stalked up to his room.

Molly went over to Hermione and helped her up.

"I am so sorry love. Of course I don't care about your name change and ignore my idiot of a son. But I really am sorry about what happened to you and what he caused to happen tonight, you didn't deserve any of that." Hermione hugged Molly tighter than ever, crying. She was in pain still but didn't care, hearing that her wizarding adoptive mother accepted her was the best thing she'd heard all day. One by one all the Weasleys came over and hugged Hermione and shook blaise's hand. They stayed for a few hours then Draco, Ginny, Blaise and Hermione had to floo to Diagon Alley.

Only when they went to the fireplace did everyone notice that Draco and Hermione and not stopped holding hands since the curse.

Pureblood Hermione and the cursed scar Where stories live. Discover now